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  1. Cell_DbZ

    The most bizzare movie you have watched.

    The Room. It is so bad that it aqually is good. example:
  2. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    Allright fair enough. The referendum is not legitimate, I agree, the support from Crimeans to join Russia is, I think I made that point often enough and you don't seem to disagree, so we can put this to rest. - for good measure...
  3. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    Oops, I completly messed up here, I admit my grave error. I was using my cellphone to post these comments and I initially didn't see it (terrible excuse, I know) I also ignorantly assumed you were talking about the Russian isigna beign the owl and not the Ukrainian one. Still doesn't mean I am a...
  4. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    Yes, the owl is indeed a sign of wisdom and a sign of tsarist Russia, but were they worse than Nazi germany? The Royal navy still uses the same insigna back in the colonial days and you're not going to tell me that Imperial Britain was that much better than Russia back in the day. The owl was...
  5. Cell_DbZ

    After rushing to Qatar's aid, Turkey may have to rethink its Mideast ties

    Well, Saudi Arabia isn't even able to take out Houthi terrorists with the help of the Usa and many muslim countries behind them. How would they be able to take the Turks in a 1v1?
  6. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    To be fair, voter turnout of that referendum was only like 23%, but the majority of Crimeans do support unification with Russia (about 65% according to western sources), while the rest wants full independence or remain with Ukraine Aren't the Poles asking for it themselves?
  7. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    No, but they were planning to instal missle defence systems for a long while, those missle defences could definitely be converted to offensive weapons. Then NATO kept creeping closer to the Russian borders, while they have promised not to, how are the Russians supposed to interpret that? When...
  8. Cell_DbZ

    Fifth Generation Fighter Jets

    I have a question here, as I am no expert. It seems that the PAK FA is a capable fighter, but as you can see on the picture, it's metalic engine pods are exposed, wouldn't it make it a lot less stealthy, considering those engine pods would be emitting a lot of heat?
  9. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    Calm down, this was just a meme I found funny, so I wanted to share (I would think those emojis would make that clear). No reason to call me stupid.
  10. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    The reason for the fall of Iranian governement in the 50's was apparently largery for influence and oil, I don't think it is much different. I never really claimed that the whole of Saudi Arabia is responsible for 9/11, but the ones wo are, are quite influential individuals and that there's no...
  11. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    I think it was also quite obvious that the west was out for the oil too, the illegal hostage situation was the perfect excuse (of course I am not defending Iran for that hostage). Further down in your post you said that the proven money trail was not enough, yet 'suspicious behavoir' seems to...
  12. Cell_DbZ

    Up to 80 civilians 'killed in US air strike' in Mosul, UN confirms

    Really terrible, those poor people. ISIS probably used them as meatshields like the coward scumbags they are. In war, the innocent people are always the main vinctim America is bombing ISIS, ISIS probably used those people as meatshields, so I would say ISIS is to blame for the death of those...
  13. Cell_DbZ

    Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today

    The title reads 'sin tax', so that's why I used it. It just seems that the numbers (certainly on energy drinks) seem to be quite high and people in that country may not be able to afford that.
  14. Cell_DbZ

    Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today

    "100% 'sin tax' on energy drinks, 50% 'sin tax' on soft drinks" Why?
  15. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    So that excuses the many people being killed by Hussein with the support of the Usa, like Saddam Hussein wasn't treating many like sh1t? In the fifties Iran had a reasonable democratic nation, but the CIA and MI5 decided they wanted to overthrow them and instate a puppet dictatorship, which was...
  16. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    Iraq was first propped up by the Usa against Iran, so they supported a bully in killing thousands, which makes them in turn in a bully as well. Then they proceeded to bomb Iraq into pieces, without helping them much restoring their country, which left the rest for ISIS. Same goes for Libya, it...
  17. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    The hatred is mutual. Before the 'innocent' Baltics were forced into the Soviet Union, they were actively persecuting and murdering Russian with the Nazi's. But I do understand why they would fear Russia, living next to a country with ambitious ideas is never good, just look at Mexico. And yes...
  18. Cell_DbZ

    Russian fighter jet intercepts 2 US bombers over Baltic Sea (PHOTOS)

    Again no story is black and white. I mean how would the Usa react to an hostile organisation creeping up to their border? And it isn't like the Baltics joined a few years ago when Russia started to turn agressive, they joined in 1997, when Russia could barely lift a finger. The Usa/NATO promised...
  19. Cell_DbZ

    name one military program or purchase you hate, your government has made

    For my country Belgium it would be the AgustaWestland AW109, we could have had more capable Eurocopters or possibly even Apaches, but corruption saw to that. I cannot post likns yet, but just look up 'Agusta scandal'.
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