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  1. L

    Pakistani Hindu ko swaad aya

    The tradegy I find is with the kids who had no say in what their parents decided.
  2. L


    Woopsie for bajwa as he was trying to please his masters by helping get pdm in power. Your wrong they got lots of dollars, one only needs to look at the leak on bajwas business empire in the US
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    PTI Leadership Has No Clue What It’s Doing

    All you have done is acted like an immature kid throwing a fit nothing intellectual about that, so keep kidding yourself. I have pointed out across a number of posts why PTI would engage US politicians and its the right thing to do. Nobody to you but his the rep for the US government so makes...
  4. L

    Ukraine to receive Pakistan-made Anza Mark-II MANPADS

    Would be a bad move especially if negotiating cheaper oil and food items from Russia.
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    PTI Leadership Has No Clue What It’s Doing

    This is the thing you get people on both sides of the fence crying about PTI talking to americans, I really dont get all the fuss. If your an isolated political party, that is on the ropes in your own country any ally weak or strong is worth engaging to rally more support especially if its...
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    PTI Leadership Has No Clue What It’s Doing

    Calling me dumb don't make your argument any stronger only makes you look weaker. So meeting the US ambassador to Pak is not credible enough for you....ok whatever. Well if your not talking to people then yes you start to isolate yourself, that is pretty logical cant help if you fail to...
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    PTI Leadership Has No Clue What It’s Doing

    Moronic is isolating yourself. You cant ignore a super power regardless of what they have/havnt done. The US has many different political bodies they are not a single unit all thinking, believing and acting the same. Might help if you do abit of reading on politics before creating knee jerk...
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    PTI Leadership Has No Clue What It’s Doing

    I'm not privy to the conversations but if I was to guess they could be talking about the need to protect democracy in pak, could be to do with coordinating a joint initiative with support from the US embassy, could be about aid for education, social programmes the list is endless. I say again...
  9. L

    Another Audio leak of Son of Saqib Nisar, demanding 120 (lakh or million) for PTI ticket

    🍌 courts of pak? One can but whether legitimate justice is achieved is another thing.
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    PTI Leadership Has No Clue What It’s Doing

    You don't get politics and want explanations. Allot gos on in the background outside of the public eye. Whether it will lead to any change remains to be seen, but not talking is essentially isolating yourself which is a bad move.
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    PTI Leadership Has No Clue What It’s Doing

    I actually don't get point of knee jerk reaction threads. Absolutely not was for bombing inside pak not talking to american politicians. Imi has few allies getting some US politicians to listen puts indirect pressure on PDM and its corrupt practises. If you enter politics you need to be ready...
  12. L

    Another Audio leak of Son of Saqib Nisar, demanding 120 (lakh or million) for PTI ticket

    With the history of fake audios unlikely they can unless there is a confession.
  13. L

    Another Audio leak of Son of Saqib Nisar, demanding 120 (lakh or million) for PTI ticket

    These audios have zero credibility so whether it's true or not one will always find it hard to believe. So as trump says fake news
  14. L

    "They tried to kill me by adding poison to the drip in the hospital", Imran Khan made a sensational revelation

    Atleast he stands in pak and fights for what he believes not like that coward hiding in london
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    PTI’s Fawad Chaudhry holds meeting with US envoy Donald Blome

    Seems pdm and their lackies getting worried
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    Alert 🚨 Multiple Terror Attacks ongoing KPK

    May the shaheed rest in peace
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    Senator Graham to Al Arabiya: I strongly support the signing of a joint defense agreement between Saudi Arabia and The US

    I like this approach but this relation has a long history which Roosevelt started and its economic importance will keep the US engaged. Also when your trying to pressure iran last thing you need is hostile countries amending their relations with them.
  18. L

    Senator Graham to Al Arabiya: I strongly support the signing of a joint defense agreement between Saudi Arabia and The US

    His just the first presidential candidate more will follow his lead. The US is rattled with how China brokered the Iran/ Syria rapprochement with gulf countries its been a strategic disaster under biden. That's why his promising this. I would not trust this man.
  19. L


    I have many Indian friends, work colleagues etc both Hindu and Muslim and even non religious. In day to day life like most people Indians are fine too. Issue is when you go on specific type forums like this one or others you will get specific people who want to troll or have hatred for Pak or...
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