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  1. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It seems the only way for a ceasefire will be for hamas to inflict significant losses against the IDF child killing forces or for Israel to kill 100,000 civilians including 50,000 children and say they were hamas. Looking at those two options even those against hamas would end up supporting them.
  2. L

    Pakistan supplying weapons to Ukraine in exchange for bailouts

    I get the stick is tradition but isnt it over the top for COAS to be carrying it everywhere like its his 3rd arm or something. Never see that in other armies.
  3. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Facism, racism and supremists always fall, they fall hard and eventually are defeated. Same will happen to Israel, aparthied can not last forever.
  4. L

    French gone crazy..... again

    Sure and you keep cheering for Serbia, France, India and whatever floats your boat.
  5. L

    French gone crazy..... again

    How can I know anything from someone who is clueless. Anyway keep defending french facism, thats where you excel.
  6. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I am glad freedom of expression in Europe has been exposed as a farce. Their fake champions have no cause to protect.
  7. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I have a suspicious feeling this number will come down further and later we will find many a large portion of those deaths were caused by the IDF.
  8. L

    French gone crazy..... again

    Whoever follows the way of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) belongs to the salaf al-salih. Thats the majority of muslims you numpty. Trying to use words you dont even understand ignorant fool.
  9. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The Saudi's hate Hamas, they want them eradicated. It was same with the muslim brotherhood in Egypt, they fear them because of what could happen to them and their hold on power, Its a game for the Kursi, abit like game of thrones.
  10. L

    People of Palestine calling Pakistani Military.

    Abbas isn't helpful for the main Palestinian population either. His been sitting there for years done practically nothing, his focus should have been to unite all the Palestinian factions under one government and to then fight occupation. Israel has taken advantage of this division and built...
  11. L

    French gone crazy..... again

    Only a idiot would put up pictures like that to generalise a religious group. Now you can't rebutt you resort to categorising me and trying to change topic. Loser
  12. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    With all these reports video and picture evidence it's becoming clear Israel has become a state closest to the nazis in ideology. Whether they realise it or not their actions are showing it. Anyone who supports such a state is also a nazi supporter.
  13. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It's pure racism
  14. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The biggest issue I see is the countries which support an instant ceasefire which are the majority of the world, their inability to actually do something meaningful. I'm not talking about entering the war but recalling ambassadors, freezing trade, etc.
  15. L

    French gone crazy..... again

    Stay on topic
  16. L

    French gone crazy..... again

    No they looked like political views, the point of secularism is to have varied views which includes those posting.
  17. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Palestinians have a right to defend their selves as well.
  18. L

    French gone crazy..... again

    Your a moron don't gas light Muslims living in the UK people like you are the problem. The wests fake freedom of expression should allow all to express their views whether they agree to or not, hate speech is different. But over and over thr hypocrisy is exposed so easily by western white...
  19. L

    French gone crazy..... again

    France has turned into an intolerant facist country, their venom again Muslims is becoming more and more like how they treated Jews 100 years ago. History is repeating itself and the French are too blind or arrogant to see it.
  20. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I would have no hesitation in smacking and knocking her out if I was with my baby.
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