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  1. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You claimed jews were ethnically cleansed from Muslim countries waiting to see your proof There is plenty of evidence of Ukrainian forces fighting from within the cities so using your logic Russia can flatten those cities. So bombing the houses of news reporters, bombing schools, UN...
  2. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Im not talking about that, your other claims you have made you most of the time dont back them up. Going by what you just posted Russians can say they commited no war crimes as well as they were going after military targets. In Gaza israel commited a warcrime they admitted to it, no food...
  3. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You never present evidence either Hypocrite
  4. L

    Why antisemitism is surging in China

    Unfortunately the zionist have succeeded in maligning anything they do as being jewish, they are then using antisemitism to stifle and block criticism of their racist policies. Jews need to get their voice back by defeating this zionist monster.
  5. L

    Nuclear Deterrence: Global Islam, Palestine and the Western chopping board.

    Here is a question to ponder. What would it take for the Muslim world to unite and create a caliphate.
  6. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hamas was never the problem they are a symptom, the problem is Israelis occupation
  7. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Do you also see how Israel per that article has stated it will not allow the Palestinian authority to run Gaza and didn't even let the Palestinian foreign minister travel to Bahrain. Did the Palestinian authority kidnap Israelis? Is it killing Israelis? Is it taking land from Israelis? Is it...
  8. L

    Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler: We are considering purchasing 40 Eurofighter Typhoons

    This source says the S-300 didnt lock onto the jets, I think I would be more worried if I was Syria/Russia if they locked and still failed (especially if the aircraft were within the envelope to engage). I personally think 40 EF are good as a stop gap until Turkeys 5th Gen comes online. If...
  9. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Any idea how capable is Barq-2 as a SAM?
  10. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The Turks, Italians, Austrians were aligned with Hitler's Germany as well, whats your point? again deflection. You give no evidence you talk BS.
  11. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    They excel in killing women and children. If hamas was better armed they would drop their weapons and run back to their dual national country
  12. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I clicked on that and saw a report of a 4 year old boy, in a first attack by the Israeli terrorist forces they killed his parents, then in another attack they took his legs. His asking where are my parents and his trying to walk, not realising his lost his legs and his parents. Those who back...
  13. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Prove your claim until then its BS Again I dont care what you think, I just stated facts through research which says people in Palestine, Lebanon even Syria have a large portion of DNA from cannonites. The natives of Palestine who are being brutalised have been there for thousands of years...
  14. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    If only hindutva terrorism ended as well. Get back under your bridge troll.
  15. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This thread is about conflict in gaza STOP trolling 🧌 Stop lying there wasn't ethic cleansing that happened in Europe. The ziniost movement was pushing jews to go to the new state of Israel . DNA analysis shows the Palestinians have 60 to 70% in some cases dna of the cannanites who were there...
  16. L

    Ron Paul: Who REALLY started HAMAS…

    This is a complicated topic, I agree with what you said rules of engagement are clear in Islam and hamas killing civilians firing rockets into civilian areas gos against those rules even if the apartheid regime doesn't care how it operates with the Palestinians. Violent and non violent...
  17. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hypocrite when will Israel fulfil its international law, its broken over 100 already with no consequences.
  18. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Blah blah blah blah, Europe and Secular daddy USA has waged a war every decade in last 70 years killing tens thousands leading to deaths of millions. They might have peace themselves (that is debatable given how societies are shaping up) but they are causing chaos all over the world. I just...
  19. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Point it out and we shall see.
  20. L

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I understand it but your trolling doesnt work. No one is begging kaffirs, but pointing out the hypocrasy and double standards.
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