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  1. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    To big and to advanced to be for the IRIN. IRIN could perform very good with a Type 054B 3 or 4 would boost IRIN protection to SLOCs to latin america and China sealanes. But Type 052D it is too advanced for IRIN. Moreover Type 052D have been designed to work integrated in a net, and afraid IRIN...
  2. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Don´t be so demanding. Iran has very good reasons to lack behind Turkey in aeronautical technology (something I agree). First has been the sanctions. Hey it is so evident that you should smile; Iran cannot import something more aeronautical than a typewriter for the last 43 years. Second it has...
  3. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    I think developing directly a SLBM submarine it is a mistake. Without experience building submarines, Sinpo class must be noisy and the level of safety margins must be by force low. As Sahureka said it takes time designing and building a submarine. Keep in mind that it is not only because IRIN...
  4. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Agreed the problem or RuAF has been their doctrine of a pure assault aviation. They have some of the best free fall bombs calculators of the world integrated in their Su30SM1/35, their Su25 and Su34 of course. The problem has been to use this classical tactical aviation doctrine against small...
  5. F

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I think it is one of those pods used by P3 orion for search submarines (it was just light), but this seem different. There will be. There two thing that US and EU can fear... a nuclear Iran... and a military alliance between Rusia, China, Irán and North Korea. If you can play with the IAEA...
  6. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Agreed. Let me add the terrible contradictions that US and their allies have grown. Specially in Human Rights. They opened their frontiers to all ukranian people, but those frontiers were miserably closed for years to syrian people... Or last movement in International Penal Court where Putin...
  7. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    It is very good news. After a long series of Ghadir submarines this one much more oceanic if it is homogeneous (in a same class usually you can find sub-series due to technical or strategic reasons), IRIN is creating not only a blue navy, but also a doctrine for the submarine warfare that would...
  8. F

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    Two observations; A transponder it is not exactly a EW equipment. It is a basic equipment that radiates a radio answer when the system receives a interrogating signal by a secondary radar. It is so simple... but more than necessary for avoiding friendly fire and flying in a military grade...
  9. F

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    It is called "Circular Economy". UN should recognize efforts of IRIN armed forces and IRGC for avoiding waste generation and rubbish.
  10. F

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    I would go further... IMHO if Iran develop a ICBM with solid fuel and develop any kind of nuclear warhead... then will never be sanctions relief. For this reason I think Iran act wisely... Just develop enough technology for developing both, but let IAEA inspect nearly all sites. But poor NK...
  11. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    You are wrong. I agree in many benefits being a close ally to US and white power anglo saxon people (UK, Aus, Canada and others), but remember Japan has became a big bullseye of PLA armed forces and even Russia. You are viewing only the benefits of this kind of alliance with western...
  12. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    IMHO it should be plastic material or fiberglass or another material capable of letting TR/RX cells of the Phased array radar to be sent and receive it back. The top cone it is again the same ECM equipment you can see in F76 Jamaran, Pakistanese origin (Chinese). All in all it is a great...
  13. F

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    They also are launching sistematically long range munitions to operate outside of the range of SAM systems. All of this will end in a near future. They won´t be forever receiving 4.000 million dollars yearly in weapons. US are living in debt. A future debt crisis will finish it up.
  14. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    No problem with this. Russian has sold weapons to everybody. Even worse. They had an agreement to turn off the S300 when aerial israeli attacks frequently IRGC personnel in Syria... So if they doesn´t have this kind of moral clash... Iran too. Don´t suffer that much. If Russia doesn´t want to...
  15. F

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I have been suprised by this new; https://theiranproject.com/blog/2023/03/24/biden-admin-greenlights-sanctions-waiver-for-iraq-to-pay-iran/ This is not the first time I read about "sanction waiver" and always try to seek a conexion between those waivers and the Iranian Government. I have a...
  16. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Can be this a Hafez Radar in a naval mount? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> It is used in the Mersad 16 SAM...
  17. F

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Glad to see Sahand with fire control radar for Mersad 16 aboard. You can see two hatches closed for TV/EO/IR guidance for Kamand CIWS and (cross fingers) maybe even radar assisted. I would like to see close up picture of mast. There should be the TV/EO/IR equipment for Fajr gun, because its...
  18. F

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    Yes, like IRIN does usually; With Jamaran, first equiped with that Plessey radar, later changed to ASR. After some years she received a TACAN antenna, and later a ECM pakistani origin. You can see similar trend in Sahand, that have been adding different equipments during years, from GPS jammers...
  19. F

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Please copy and paste text of the article :cheers:
  20. F

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    This has changed very recently. Spanish Air Force have retired all C101 aircraft and basic trainer chilean origin T35C Pillán... for a total of 40 PC21 (Pilatus). In a near future SAF will buy some 18 or 24 probably M346 from Leonardo. SAF plans are easy, basic/advance training in PC21 and...
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