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  1. Baghial

    Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

    he didnt contact, Dr. Usman, who is also known as Mohammad Aqeel, served in the Pakistani Army Medical Corps...
  2. Baghial

    Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

    Evolution of Evil--------the present born in the past.. On March 30, 2009, militants launched a deadly assault on a police training center outside Lahore, the capital of Pakistan’s Punjab Province. Eight police cadets were killed 1. Less than a month earlier, on March 3, gunmen in...
  3. Baghial

    Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

    TTP primarily comprises Pashtun fighters and commanders. Punjabis form the second major ethnic composition of TTP cadres. There was a separate faction of Punjabis with TTP known as the Punjabi Taliban led by Asmatullah Moaviya who later defected. TTP's inroads in Balochistan are instructive...
  4. Baghial

    Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

    Negotiating with terrorists encourages more terrorism’ Should we negotiate with terrorists ? a question for you jernel sahib
  5. Baghial

    Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

    I-8 Markaz suicide attack, June 2011, two killings F-8 district court attack, March 2014, 11 killings. Make no mistake, this is a new wave of militant violence in Pakistan and requires a proactive approach if we are done playing game of thrones in Punjab.
  6. Baghial

    Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

    TTP,s message is loud and clear, when will pak army take action ,inside safe heavens afghanistan? Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (#TTP) claims responsibility for the suicide attack on "enemies of Islam" in Islamabad. TTP militant Molana Habeebullah carried out this...
  7. Baghial

    PAKISTAN Army's colonel's daughter killed a 40 years old man colonel paid 6.9 million rupees case closed .

    Among the judges who sentenced Bhagat Singh to death was one Judge Sir Abdul Qadir, who was removed from the bench after the refusal of another Muslim judge, whose son Manzoor Qadir..became a cabinet minister ayub khan.. NNNNNNNNNNNNNn>>> The only Muslim magistrate who signed Bhagat...
  8. Baghial

    PAKISTAN Army's colonel's daughter killed a 40 years old man colonel paid 6.9 million rupees case closed .

    The 40-year old man was a servant at the house he was killed. The family had raised him since he was 8 years old. who is this colonel?
  9. Baghial

    PAKISTAN Army's colonel's daughter killed a 40 years old man colonel paid 6.9 million rupees case closed .

    Additional Sessions Judge of Islamabad Tahir Abbas Supra.............mmmm;ok so its same judge where shabez lul is stuck with his bail?
  10. Baghial

    far-right terrorist attack in France - 3 people is killed

    Far-right terrorist William N. trying to kill people in a barber shop... A WHITE GUY? KNOWN TO POLICE,, There is no confirmed motive for the shooting, but Paris Prosecutor Laure Beccuau said the suspect had previously been charged with racist violence. That incident - in which he...
  11. Baghial

    far-right terrorist attack in France - 3 people is killed

    riots after the paris 10 attack on cultural center.. its a hair saloon? video of attacker........................................
  12. Baghial

    You cannot Minus One Imran Khan!

  13. Baghial

    Police Station in Wana Overwhelmed by a Cross-Border TTP Attack

    If the Taliban’s level of reliance on Pakistan doesn’t change, two factors will be key to their medium-term position on the TTP. One is the Taliban’s internal politics. There is a reservoir of support for the TTP, both for its own contributions to the Taliban’s insurgency as well as for its...
  14. Baghial

    Police Station in Wana Overwhelmed by a Cross-Border TTP Attack

    its just ways to fill deep pockets, ,,,>> n- short hands
  15. Baghial

    Police Station in Wana Overwhelmed by a Cross-Border TTP Attack

    and IMMI THE DIM,s has achieved it single handed...the seeds n weeds he has sowed, will reap in another 5 yrs, WATCH THEN < what remains^> in zaman park, protecting , the porky
  16. Baghial

    You cannot Minus One Imran Khan!

    the tub reporter/ journo,?
  17. Baghial

    Imran khan disqualified

  18. Baghial

    Imran khan disqualified

    hahhhahaha... fresh fish BBQ , DAAMM FUND <
  19. Baghial

    Imran khan disqualified

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