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  1. Wood

    USA Contribution to Pakistan

    For most of Pakistan's existence, Pakistan was the only ally in South Asia for the US. Your airforce so uses F16, lest you forget. :coffee:
  2. Wood

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    President Trump's rally speech makes an appearance on Russian state TV. Seems like Russians are desperate for the charlatan to return :usflag:
  3. Wood

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

    Hope this will justify giving ATACMS to Ukraine :coffee:
  4. Wood

    Editorial: Dar should refrain from interfering in the market or Pakistan may end up in a deeper crisis

    There is no evidence to suggest that Mr.Dar is burning forex to manipulate currency. It is more likely that speculators have lost confidence in their bet that Pakistani economy will capsize. The REER index also suggests that PKR is undervalued. Mr. Dar's confident demeanor also contributes to...
  5. Wood

    The Magnificent Delusions of Husain Haqqani

    South Asia should invest to improve the productive quality of it human resource, the only real resource that it has been blessed with. This will take decades of work, there is no short cut :undecided:
  6. Wood

    Army chief to receive honour cordon at Pentagon today

    Sure, some of the money is a loan. But it is low interest finance in a high inflationary period. The is free money. Heck, access to any money at all during this period is crucial as Pakistan is desperate to reboot the rural economy.
  7. Wood

    Bajwa using Hussain Haqqani for diplomacy in USA: A perosn know for being anti China stance

    Anti China position sells in US. Mr. Haqqani is the kind of player who can extract the maximum benefit for Pakistan from the US :cheers:
  8. Wood

    Army chief to receive honour cordon at Pentagon today

    Pakistan has been set up for nearly $6 billion of flood relief from the international community. This is an unprecedented amount especially considering that the world is barreling through an economic recession. Sadly, some people continue to belittle the efforts of the Pakistani administration...
  9. Wood

    The Magnificent Delusions of Husain Haqqani

    This opinion hit piece is from 7 years ago :disagree: Mr. H Haqqani has considerable influence within the highest levels of American leadership. Pakistan will do well to exploit his good offices to the country's advantage and shape US policy in South Asia to Pakistan's benefit 👍
  10. Wood

    USA Contribution to Pakistan

    I think Pakistan always has the privilege to choose its strategic super power ally. But it is a binary choice like it was in the cold war era :dirol:
  11. Wood

    USA Contribution to Pakistan

    The US has given the opportunity for these Pakistani origin people to prosper so they inturn can lift their country of origin. This is helping Pakistanis to help themselves :cheers: Can Pakistan stay away from BRI like India did? If yes, then you can expect US to treat Pakistan the same way as...
  12. Wood

    No group or force will be allowed to politically, economically destabilise Pakistan: COAS

    The charter of economy is indeed a visionary move by PM Shehbaz. The opposition is only focused on destabilizing the political landscape to grab power at any cost. The public seem to have fallen for the twitter army propaganda and therefore I don't think 'taking it to public' will matter. For...
  13. Wood

    No group or force will be allowed to politically, economically destabilise Pakistan: COAS

    Someone who can be a good administrator and can reliably plug holes is a good captain at this stage. Long term sustainable development of a country can only be possible if the human resource can be up-skilled to innovate for the needs of tomorrow. This is a task for entire population and not...
  14. Wood

    No group or force will be allowed to politically, economically destabilise Pakistan: COAS

    Honestly, I don't care about military General much. But PM Shehbaz is not a bad choice 👍
  15. Wood

    No group or force will be allowed to politically, economically destabilise Pakistan: COAS

    The General is clearly warning TTP. I don't get why some members of this community are so belligerent at something like that :undecided:
  16. Wood

    Pakistan to get $2bn funds in flood support form World Bank

    Paris club will also restructure or write off $10 billion in debt as per some recent news posted here. PDM has an opportunity to 'build back better' in Pakistan 👍
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