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  1. Wood

    Leaked audio of Shaukat Tareen

    IMF forced Imran Khan to give autonomy for SBP. When Pakistan moves out of the IMF umbrella, one can expect any gov. in power at that time would roll back this autonomy. Most rulers think of autonomy to their central bank as a violation of sovereign right to manipulate their currency for fiscal...
  2. Wood

    Pakistan should reject any offer of aid from India

    OP sounds like a dupe ID of another Pakistani member from Canada that we like to laugh at :laugh:
  3. Wood

    Idea for Overseas Pakistanis

    The Roshan account with its Naya Pakistan certificate is what you are talking about, no? Even at a steep interest of 7% (on a USD account), it is still cheaper than market borrowing for Pakistan's exchequer. This scheme is similar to the FCNR account that was introduced by India in the early...
  4. Wood

    Bitter truth about Pak floods

    I'm sure that are a number of dams in Pakistan that are built after independence. Some of them could have been built or proposed in the PPP era as well. Unfortunately for Pakistan, no government has been able to complete its terms to take full credit. Regardless of the history, the sins of a...
  5. Wood

    Mikhail Gorbachev has passed away

    Gorbachev is the greatest hero of the cold war. :cheers:
  6. Wood

    Bitter truth about Pak floods

    Are you a climate change denier? There have been a few documentaries about glaciers melting in Pakistan well before this flood situation. I've seen Sherry Rehman speak of this to DW, Aljazeera etc. You can find them on YT. Perhaps then you would concede that it is not totally laughable. :coffee:
  7. Wood

    Bitter truth about Pak floods

    Well, both arguments can be true at the same time. Pakistan could have allocated its national resources to building dams in early decades. But that does not mean that Climate Change phenomenon has no influence on this flood. The administration will naturally highlight that side of the argument...
  8. Wood

    Idea for Overseas Pakistanis

    This is an impractical idea for a myriad of reasons. For starters, a 2017 estimate by government of Pakistan puts the overseas population to 8.8 million only. Do people really think that every family member who is settled overseas will be able to afford $2000 per year for 5 years? Most of...
  9. Wood

    Tragedy is not a photo-op: Maryam Nawaz called out for ‘attempting to channel’ Angelina Jolie

    If her public outreach is not shared in social media, then PTI supporters would simply clamor that Maryam did not care. The people seem to welcome her presence though :cheers:
  10. Wood

    Bitter truth about Pak floods

    The Pakistani administration has done a good job to identify and highlight that climate change is the primary contributing reason for the floods in Pakistan. The Federal minister for Climate Change Sherry Rehman and FM Bilawal Bhutto have been quoted by a number of Western media outlets on this...
  11. Wood

    Flood Response

  12. Wood

    Super Miftah saves pakistan, defense minister

    Yes, indeed. He is a hero who does not wear a cape. I'm sure his accomplishment will be celebrated by those who are pragmatic to accept it.
  13. Wood

    Mikhail Gorbachev passes away

    The greatest hero of the cold war will forever be remembered by history :cheers:
  14. Wood

    Pakistan supplying Artillery shells to Ukraine

    Well done, Pak :cheers:
  15. Wood

    Asia Cup 2022 thread

    Well played Afghanistan! They top their group. Can there be a Pakistan vs Afghanistan game? 🤔
  16. Wood

    Leaked audio of Shaukat Tareen

    It is typically the bureaucratic institutions of a country that is responsible for distribution of aid etc. Elected representatives are more responsible for providing moral strength to affected population and to garner international support. I've seen a few videos of PM Shahbaz and FM Bilawal...
  17. Wood

    Leaked audio of Shaukat Tareen

    Yes, but emergency has just been announced. It may take another week for aid to come through
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