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  1. Naman Mathur

    Pakistan's slice of the moon

    just search on google, i am on phone hard to link now, will do tomorrow if you dont find. https://www.google.com/search?q=usb+was+invented+by&oq=usb+was+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.2881j0j7&client=ms-android-motorola&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8...
  2. Naman Mathur

    Pakistan's slice of the moon

    the USB, HDTV, pentium processors , fibre optics were developed by indians indians btw. I am sure as the scientific base matures more we will do even more inventions.
  3. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    not used to threads and forums. but my reply is anyway apt for my point. this is something every country with budgetary jurisprudence does. Our army doesnt make profits, so it has to maintain its book. Ultimately the government pays for it. And also armymen donate a lot in times of disaster...
  4. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    Well i feel that it is grossly unfair how lopsided the decision is. Still i am the one who logged inhere so will try to stick to your rules. I hope same prompt. actions against any pakistani.
  5. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    There is a procedure for everything, you or others finding it now and being surprised isnt a concern. This is how governments and their budgets are maintained. Money doesnt fall or vanish into thin air. It has to be accounted for and there is proper guidelines. That should satisy people who want...
  6. Naman Mathur

    Pakistan's slice of the moon

    Space science isnt some mugging up of text books that you just cram and apply, no country gives you the tech for free, the cryogenics, the orbital mechanics, the metallurgy, all those has to be developed inhouse, thats why only a few countries have been able to do it successfully. Or else every...
  7. Naman Mathur

    Pakistan's slice of the moon

    This is one of the most misguided comments that everyone makes. India spends billions on welfare, just throwing away more money wont help their upliftment. Its better technology, jobs and self reliance that uplifts a society, if only people said that about every initiative, we would only be...
  8. Naman Mathur

    10 armed forces personnel martyred in two terrorist attacks in N. Waziristan, Balochistan: ISPR

    Doesnt make sense. Wouldnt taliban and wajirs want USA to go the fawk out of there. Its not the Afghan gov. that attacked the PA. Its something else.
  9. Naman Mathur

    10 armed forces personnel martyred in two terrorist attacks in N. Waziristan, Balochistan: ISPR

    No worries, https://conscioused.org/books/causes-of-rebellion-in-waziristan-khalid-aziz-review-summary checked this and got the summary of it. I think this is a problem created by you. Why create such groups which you cant control later.
  10. Naman Mathur

    10 armed forces personnel martyred in two terrorist attacks in N. Waziristan, Balochistan: ISPR

    Then catch them and execute them in hiding. Anyways whats the official reason for this crisis ?
  11. Naman Mathur

    10 armed forces personnel martyred in two terrorist attacks in N. Waziristan, Balochistan: ISPR

    RIP. Who are these people and their reasons actually, i thought only Balochistan was destabilised.
  12. Naman Mathur

    Drive your car with remote: China to launch 5G-based remote driving pilot zone

    Wont that make suicidal car bombings a walk in the park. Just kidding. Nice tech. After TESLA i guess Chinese companies are at the forefront in this.
  13. Naman Mathur

    China offers to jointly explore Moon with India, hails successful Chandrayaan-2 mission launch

    What matters is what Indians and Chinese think in this matter, people from countries without any experience in rocket and space science shouldnt question their sanity.
  14. Naman Mathur

    China offers to jointly explore Moon with India, hails successful Chandrayaan-2 mission launch

    I dont think any sane person thinks that way. Dont put imaginary words in other peoples mouth.
  15. Naman Mathur

    Pompeo warns Turkey not to render S-400 ‘operational’ or face ‘more sanctions’

    Ya, cuz they bought the S-400 systems to keep in showcase.
  16. Naman Mathur

    Just 5 countries are home to half of world's poorest. World Bank.

    ^ should use latest data as lot of things change, still sad reality, hope things change in asia soon.
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