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  1. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    i guess you are having some identity crisis there, it happens. i hope your economy does well. And you should keep dreaming to be at indias level in the fields of sport, science, technology, arts, economy, etc. Lol spill over ? you speak like terrorists are water that just flow. You used them and...
  2. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    its heavily influenced by sanskrit dialects, hindia and urdu are hardly dissimmilar. deny it as much as you like.
  3. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    well india had way more poor people a decade ago, after a decade that number would be minimal, rubbing that doesnt affect our work towards removing poverty, whereas afaik pakistanis dont even get vaccine, thats more of a concern.
  4. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    ya, bcoz indians dont think the way your poisonous brain thinks, so what if it was invented by muslims, no one cares, on the other hand urdu has its roots in sanskrit. think about that for a while.
  5. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    dhoti is famous in america, wow.
  6. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

  7. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    so not only you false flag and are bad at trolling but also you have insufficient knowledge of the topic you trying to troll about. jeez, even trolls do their research.
  8. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    Lol, just wait for the greatest diversion from these facts.
  9. Naman Mathur

    Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

    you know that india is under gst and same taxes are applicable throught the country ?
  10. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    the real false flag, haha
  11. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    we are fine not having complete now, we are okay with status quo, are you guys okay without it ? thats the question lol
  12. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    The dynamics of India and Pakistan still are different. India has a huge middle class back then too, and our trade was self sustained and not based on export, also the country was relatively stable and investors wanted to go in. i dont see the same thing happening in your country unless there is...
  13. Naman Mathur

    Threat of major terror attack in Kashmir reason behind deploying 10,000 troops: Govt

    Ya lol, so try and take kashmir, its been 70 years, articles 35A and 370 are going, people can cry about it but its going. There will be deveopment there and people will have a better life tha throwing stones by getting money from pakistan. No one cares in India what pakistan has to say about...
  14. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    sure, it has been 70 years and kashmir is liberated right ?? right ??
  15. Naman Mathur

    False Flag attack is imminent in IOK

    Lol protest what, there is 40,000 crore of work being done in JnK right now, various development works being done. Things are drasticlly changing now and for better. Insurgency is at its lowest. New recruits in militant groups is lowest. The corruption in banks has been caught. Why would sane...
  16. Naman Mathur

    Should've Used Bombs That Destroyed Buildings: Air Force Chief On Balakot

    Well it still doesnt answer why that long, no one answers that, we know countries have satellites that in real time can track things and i am sure it has been done, but nothing has been shown of that sort, and india have admitted they couldnt becoz of cloud cover which is obvious cause the...
  17. Naman Mathur

    Trump targets India and China, asks WTO to tweak developing country status

    can you give some data regarding that, and while you do that make sure to post statistics for how much aid india gives. thanku. looking forward to facts
  18. Naman Mathur

    Threat of major terror attack in Kashmir reason behind deploying 10,000 troops: Govt

    The troops are actually called for riot control contrary what people are thinking as against a terrorist attack. Probably some decision regarding Article 35A and 370. Indians know whats coming. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
  19. Naman Mathur

    The most and least happy countries around the globe

    So thats enough for your happiness, wont even comment further. They are saying that becoz of 27th feb they are happy. Probably our standard for happiness is much higher, it is we to blame, we want to have a high living standard, good education, good economy, want to be a global power, want to...
  20. Naman Mathur

    indians admitting defeat . (Retd. air marshal ).

    Cant see the article. Was it taken down. Do these people not verify ?
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