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  1. uk29

    Modi got Honoured from Several Muslim Countries

    Pakistan should help them ... As it is supposedly the custodian of all south asian muslims ...
  2. uk29

    India was only colonized by British because Nader Shah exposed how easy it was to sack India

    Aapka singhasan kidhar hai prabhu ? He attacked when mughals were weak and india in turmoil... When mughals were strong during times of shah jahan and aurengzeb it was back and forth between. Safavids and mughals
  3. uk29

    Stop Muslim Genocide : UAE Princess to India

    This guy is clearly a hindu ... Trust me
  4. uk29

    Stop Muslim Genocide : UAE Princess to India

    Why all Princess ? Where are princes ? Now get ready to be wiped
  5. uk29

    Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

    Why has pak army surrendered already?
  6. uk29

    Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

    We wiped them out of india during 1947 ... They now live in ghettos as ostracized mujhajirs
  7. uk29

    Why India must keep LoC in a constant war like situation

    I don't care about people you can take them i am in love with its scenic beauty
  8. uk29

    Punjab Cop's Hand Chopped, 2 Injured In Attack By Group Defying Lockdown

    Just like japanese take only which suits you from west ... (Read Meiji restoration )
  9. uk29

    Punjab Cop's Hand Chopped, 2 Injured In Attack By Group Defying Lockdown

    Yes brother i know christaians also ?
  10. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Whoever helps us in our "crusade" we would worshipp him
  11. uk29

    Punjab Cop's Hand Chopped, 2 Injured In Attack By Group Defying Lockdown

    See that is what i am saying they are chopping our hand ... Unlike poor pashtuns guys who simple disappear Nahh our beef is only with Abrahamic faiths
  12. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    What is with you and catholic , america , etc Are you a closet christian masquerading as a muslim ?
  13. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    No need to vouch for me i know i am getting banned ... Who would have thought of a temple in arabian Peninsula , 20 years ago... You arabs are definitely more progressive than i thought you to be ....
  14. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Is opening of temple in uae also a thanking token ? If you please continue giving us more tokens
  15. uk29

    Punjab Cop's Hand Chopped, 2 Injured In Attack By Group Defying Lockdown

    Dont worry in secular india these guys will get the same fate as jamatis ... Trust me
  16. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Or is it that you guys are encouraging modi by giving him medals .... Ummah less important than money?
  17. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    You see mr arab guy most of these hindus are from kerela ... A region which is last remaining castle of communism in our country ... If you deport these guys it would only help us hindu nationalist ... So go on ... But one question would Kuwaiti government ask for that "medal" they gave to modi ?
  18. uk29

    Gulf stands up for Indian Muslims. Hindutava hate and racism will be dealt with.

    Wouldn't be for the first to be honest .. But sure ban me ... Ban any guy who disagrees
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