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  1. P

    Betrayal or Pragmatism? Why Madanis of Deoband Praised RSS & Modi

    Here are few facts 1) Only (minuscule) rich Muslims of the subcontinent were eligible to vote for the Partition of British India or not 2) Nehru was a socialist. Nehru always had a plan for land reforms i.e take away lands from landlords and distribute them to the farmers who till the land...
  2. P

    Betrayal or Pragmatism? Why Madanis of Deoband Praised RSS & Modi

    I am not sure I understand. I did not paste any tweets.
  3. P

    Betrayal or Pragmatism? Why Madanis of Deoband Praised RSS & Modi

    Well we are not worshipping Hindus gods rather worshipping with Indian touch. September 01, 2014 by Jacob Joseph Indigenized Christian Worship in India Some Considerations One of the greatest challenges of the Indian Christian church is its Western heritage. Most mainline denominations...
  4. P

    India needs one language: Amit Shah

    Of course if the options are only English and Urdu-Hindi, then you pick English for international acceptability and Urdu-Hindi for Historical/cultural relevance. But if you have a wide choice then English is the language for international acceptability and native subcontinent languages like...
  5. P

    Betrayal or Pragmatism? Why Madanis of Deoband Praised RSS & Modi

    In fact not all Muslims of the subcontinent were allowed to vote. Only the rich Muslims got the vote. Facts Don't Back The Argument That Most Indian Muslims Wanted Partition 86% of adult Muslims in British India did not even have the right to vote. Rupa SubramanyaEconomist, commentator...
  6. P

    Betrayal or Pragmatism? Why Madanis of Deoband Praised RSS & Modi

    Christians for most part are already assimilated. Christianity is the fastest growing religion in India. Pakistan was created for the Muslims of the subcontinent. Only Muslims were allowed to vote in the elections. People from other religions never got to vote.
  7. P

    India needs one language: Amit Shah

    English has international acceptability but no historical/cultural significance for the people of the subcontinent. Urdu-Hindi has neither of them.
  8. P

    Iranian CPEC?

    You seem to be missing the forest for the trees. China in hedging its bets on Iran as Pakistan has started moving closer to the US since IK took power in Pakistan.
  9. P

    India needs one language: Amit Shah

    I never said I would learn English for its roots and historical value rather it is the most widely accepted language in the world today. On the other hand Hindi-Urdu neither have the world wide acceptability nor historical/cultural significance to the people in the subcontinent. Learning...
  10. P

    Betrayal or Pragmatism? Why Madanis of Deoband Praised RSS & Modi

    They know that the ship has already sailed and Pakistan will no longer accept Indian Muslims into Pakistan. Hence they have reconciled to assimilate with rest of India.
  11. P

    Upcoming British Monarch visit to Pakistan

    I agree but Hospitality has no value in international relations. Money speaks while Hospitality walks. I was responding to @Syed1. who said either they bring billions or it is PR stunt. Actually, it is the other way around. To paraphrase JFK, "Ask not what the Crown can do for your country...
  12. P

    Upcoming British Monarch visit to Pakistan

    If you do not treat them well then you risk getting suspended from the Commonwealth.
  13. P

    Betrayal or Pragmatism? Why Madanis of Deoband Praised RSS & Modi

    Betrayal or Pragmatism? Why Madanis of Deoband Praised RSS & Modi ADITYA MENON The leaders of the two factions of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind – Maulana Arshad Madani and Maulana Mahmood Madani – have recently made conciliatory statements regarding the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Narendra...
  14. P

    Pakistan to issue 10,000 visas to Sikh pilgrims

    Yes. Agree the proposed $20 per head of fee is too low. Also, Sikhism is closer to Islam than Hinduism. Pakistan should ensure that only Sikhs who give up supporting India and give up being part of Indian military be allowed. Sikh soldiers in Indian army to refuse orders of fighting...
  15. P

    Pakistan to issue 10,000 visas to Sikh pilgrims

    Kashmir was part of Sikh Empire. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Map_of_the_Sikh_Empire.png I agree. The visas should with unlimited and a fee of $2000 per head should be charged. Sikhs are natural warriors like Pushtuns.
  16. P

    India needs one language: Amit Shah

    Exactly. At least Bengali was a native language of the subcontinent. Urdu-Hindi are artificial languages. Those are three not one.
  17. P

    India needs one language: Amit Shah

    Modi may be a front for Amit Shah but certainly not for RSS. Modi-Shah have been working overtime to make RSS irrelevant. Infact Subramanian swamy is the front for RSS but he can't even get a ministry in Modi's cabinet.:D:D Exactly! . You are strengthening my argument. Urdu/Hindi are recent...
  18. P

    India needs one language: Amit Shah

    Exactly. Both Hindi & Urdu are artificial languages with no historical roots in the subcontinent. I would any day take Sindhi, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Gujarati, Marathi Odiya, Pashto, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Nepali, Bengali, Assamese, Malayalam, Sinhala etc. over artificial languages like...
  19. P

    India needs one language: Amit Shah

    Exactly. Not India. Just some Sanghis. What's so special about Hindi? Sanghis are just loud mouths. Their record is pathetic. You would be disappointed if you bet on them to deliver. The number of dialects in India are in fact increasing not decreasing. Even Gujjus will stop...
  20. P

    Khalistan Passport and Currency Design

    Is this currency already available? Where can I buy some of these in the US?
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