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  1. ViperSquadron

    US submarine hit underwater seamount in South China Sea

    According to some sources : it is highly plausible that the Seawolf Class Submarine rammed in to the Pakistani F16 that was shot down by Abhinandan.
  2. ViperSquadron

    PAF F16 Crash: Former Hornet and Viper pilot shares his views

    Just going to say G-LOC...look it up.
  3. ViperSquadron

    The flu has already killed 10,000 across US as world frets over coronavirus(RIP)

    Ok buddy...now open your ears and listen to this... Flu has a complication rate of .01% Corona Virus has a complication rate of 20% Complication means you need an ICU bed with a respirator. Lets suppose 18 million people get the CV in USA...that means 3.6 million people with get complications...
  4. ViperSquadron

    1971 War: When IAF Pilot Ejected For No Reason

    Change your mind for what...how backwards your dumb AF is?...You can NOT even read radar signatures...IFF...FRIEND OR FOE... We do not even have to do anything... you guys are self ready to self implode yourself. We just gonna sit here and have tea...OUR OWN TEA IN OUR OWN LAND.
  5. ViperSquadron

    Fox 3 Kill - Safron Bandit -

    Fox 3 Kill - Safron Bandit -
  6. ViperSquadron

    1971 War: When IAF Pilot Ejected For No Reason

    Are you talking about Pakistan Navy's transport unarmed military plane you Bhindians shot down because it strayed across the border? WOW SOME FEAT THERE! YOU PEOPLE ARE THE BIGGEST PHATUS OF THIS PLANET
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