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  1. Adil Khan Kakar

    Jinnah Was Right

    After watching Republic TV excessively most of indian fellows are living in parallel universe Dear see this https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/nrc-veteran-who-served-30-yrs-in-indian-army-excluded-from-citizen-list-118080200091_1.html A guy going to Detention camps even...
  2. Adil Khan Kakar

    Jinnah Was Right

    Seriously? Combine NRC with CAB, millions of Muslims of India are going to become stateless. How the hell you think Poor labourers living in slums of Mumbai will produce documents to prove Nationality? This is clearly scheme to snatch right of vote from as many Muslim possible
  3. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    You are wrong here. Our main three parties are more liberal and secular than any Indian party. Due to massive propaganda of religious parties in Pakistan, word "Secularism" is an abuse in our politics. But if you follow essence of Secularism, mainstream parties are secular.
  4. Adil Khan Kakar

    Jinnah Was Right

    India is following Myanmar model. First step is to make Muslims stateless. Second step will be Detention camps Third step will be genocide as deportation is not possible. If you observe Sanghis on twitter, they are celebrating that "final solution" of "Muslims problem" is coming near.
  5. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    Well, we also have few Islamic organizations which are non political and serve the purpose of nation building like tablegi jamat and dawat Islami. I consider it sin to name these parties in same paragraph with RSS (which is anti muslim fascist group). Enough have been discussed on this topic...
  6. Adil Khan Kakar

    Presidential System is already there

    It's a technocrat setup with president Imran khan Nadeem babar, Raza baqir, Sania nishtar, Hafeez sheikh, Shahzad akbar, Tania orduos, Ishrat Hussain, Farog Naseem and Shabar Zaidi. Govt is running under technocrats. Give PTI 5 years. Pakistan will never look back. Inshallah
  7. Adil Khan Kakar

    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    There are a lot of techniques in world which can be used to increase crop yield but our poor illiterate farmers cannot do it. And govt is rewarding their failure in terms of subsidies. These subsidies are not sustainable in long term. It is very very unpopular but only solution. Let farmers...
  8. Adil Khan Kakar

    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    In Pakistan, Govt gives subsidy on fertilizers, buy crops to increase prices, almost zero tax, subsidy to give loans, now starting insurance following india, subsidized electricity for tube well in some areas, interest free loans for water distribution system and still growth rate of crops...
  9. Adil Khan Kakar

    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    Farmers are treated in indo pak as special creatures. Govts are providing them billions of rupees in subsidy. Furthermore, businesses model of small farming is not sustainable. 60% of population is wasted in agriculture which give us about zero tax. Govt should can some unpopular decisions...
  10. Adil Khan Kakar

    Is There a Storm Brewing !

    Fake history is taught in both India and Pakistan. 1) we are taught that Islamic rulers were very righteous. In fact they were piece of shit. Even most admired one Aurangzeb killed almost all of his family to become king. He killed more Muslims than hindus. 2) RSS is teaching you that Hindu...
  11. Adil Khan Kakar

    Is There a Storm Brewing !

    British classified races in India into two categories. Martial and non martial. Pashtun, sikhs, jatts, maratha etc are martial races. Most of the population of Pakistan consists of martial races. We are not over estimating us. Look at kashmir, you have about 5 men to one soldier ratio...
  12. Adil Khan Kakar

    'We're going to slaughter you': The children of Syria's IS camp

    Just Google to see pictures of people before US invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria to see whether it is Islamic extremism or CIA project to wage more wars.
  13. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    Guys, there is a difference between RSS organization and RSS type Organization. Best equivalent to my imagination is Tableegi jamat. We want a strong non political organization having representation of all Pakistanis. Which can defend ideological battles of Pakistan
  14. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    I agree with you. Tableegi jamat is in fact great binding force of Pakistan. Tariq Jameel sahib is even respected in India and Afghanistan. Tableegi jamat is our pride. Don't forget Dawat Islami also. Though they don't have much influence in KPK but they are binding sindh and punjab. Let...
  15. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    1) RSS isn't using hindusism. There is No single hindusism exists in India. People worship moon, stars, fire, Raam, Ravan, Shiva, cow, goats and even penis (yes really). RSS is using islamophobia to unite all those who are called hindus by others. 2) i agree with your assertion that...
  16. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

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  17. Adil Khan Kakar

    Naya KPK | News & Updates on the development in KPK.

    New motorway will run in parallel to Indus highway. Furthermore, Dualization of Indus highway is already in progress
  18. Adil Khan Kakar

    Agni 3 test fail .

    From 1400 years, there have been NO suicide bombing/attack in Islamic history until we reach 9/11. Muslims/Islam is there for centuries. Terrorism is recent phenomenon. Terrorism is great invention of West. Muslims were stupid who (in hatred of West) make Osama type western projects as their...
  19. Adil Khan Kakar

    Pakistan needs RSS type Organization

    1)Indians are more corrupt than us. There is concept if halal and haram in Islam. For Indians cheating is Chanakya Neeti. We have string moral Fibre. In fact, the Morality that exist in India is due to Islam. Before Islam, they were burning widows alive. Islam brought Pardah, Hayah...
  20. Adil Khan Kakar

    Agni 3 test fail .

    The real culprits were Mughals. Who wasted time in womanizing and didn't focus on civilizing their population. Sad thing is British were also secular. They also didn't bother. India can only be saved if they let u rule it for next 1000 years. Otherwise, these pagans will destroy this...
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