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  1. Fighting Falcon 01

    From pk-15 , JF-17 Thunder and Al Khalid to fifth generation stealth fighter jet project Azm

    The block 1 satisfies your definition of 4th gen Pulse doppler High maneuverability Look down shoot down Bvr all of it is present ... don't argue unnecessarily
  2. Fighting Falcon 01

    From pk-15 , JF-17 Thunder and Al Khalid to fifth generation stealth fighter jet project Azm

    You are simply embarrassing yourself here by calling block 1 a 3rd gen fighter . It uses KL J7V1 radar with both lookup and look down mode with 100 km range . A modern capable Bvr SD 10A . Modern avionics just compare cockpit displays with any 3rd gen fighter out there . And block 1 will be...
  3. Fighting Falcon 01

    Featured Pakistan Navy conducts surface to surface & air to sea live firing of anti-ship missile

    Hopefully something supersonic or with extended range... the supersonic cruise missile has been in development for a while now I hope they test something... can't wait to see P282 ..
  4. Fighting Falcon 01

    From pk-15 , JF-17 Thunder and Al Khalid to fifth generation stealth fighter jet project Azm

    Don't you think AESA radar PL 15 HMD with PL 10E better EW equipment than block 2 along with data links poses a threat to even Rafael? No system is invincible we learnt that on 27th feb su 30mki couldn't fire a thing....
  5. Fighting Falcon 01

    Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

    We own half the aircraft genius ... JF 17 is a JOINT VENTURE if Pakistan doesn't like to sell it to Iran then China can't sell it to you.... the word JF means joint venture we own half the project and if Pakistan wants no one will even give you the landing gear of JF 17 ... keep reverse...
  6. Fighting Falcon 01

    Featured Ex PN Chief Zafar Mehmood Abbasi highlighted PN modernization

    There was a supersonic missile mentioned in the MODP yearbook... we have heard about the hypersonic anti ship ballistic missile for the first time ...
  7. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    Even US missile interceptors do not guarantee a 100 percent interception of incoming missiles a missile defense system can be easily overwhelmed by launching multiple missiles.... this is exactly the reason they have CIWS .... imagine a single IN ship facing 4× YJ 12 the more missiles are...
  8. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    All of those derailing was mainly done by you and your friend just read those posts... don't try to be a victim here own your shit
  9. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    Come back when you have Tejas AMCA Your aircraft carrier which was supposed to be inducted in 2017 All you have is a Russian missile copy called brahmous which is very old now Come back when you have something to show slum dwellers
  10. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    Naval chief mentioned it it's in development it was also mentioned in MODP yearbook.... what else proof do you want..
  11. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    Yes mr pajeet .. maybe you didn't get the news in your slum but Pakistan is developing a hypersonic anti ship ballistic missile and a supersonic anti ship missile to neutralise your useless Russian rust bucket ships for good.....
  12. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    And Barak missiles have been tested against supersonic or hypersonic anti ship ballistic missile? And Chinese are not upgrading their YJ 12 ... you are super delusional to the point of stupidity Brutal consequences came when you lost 100 sq km of area to Chinese in Galwan after your soldiers...
  13. Fighting Falcon 01

    Featured Iran sympathizes with Pakistan over terrorist attacks on troops

    Let's not forget the mass murder of Sikhs and their struggles for a free homeland Khalistan ... and likewise there are multiple movements in india going on for freedom of muslims low cast Hindus and sikhs why don't you guys help them in their struggle for freedom from RSS ... oh wait you are the...
  14. Fighting Falcon 01

    America would have saved trillions had it handled the pandemic as well as Pakistan: US economist

    He is way more patriotic and has way more IQ than you will ever have ... go worship your brahmous lord don't personally attack people or question their loyalty.... if you don't want to be professional leave kindly we don't need you here
  15. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    So here is a highlight of Indian army's bravery 1) 27th feb 19 PAF kicks your *** 2) Christine fair took off your chaddis in your own country no F16 was shot down 3) IAF then rants about using old aircraft 4) Galwan valley lost 20 soldiers to Chinese clubs along with a CO 5) Surrendered a...
  16. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    How exactly is YJ 12 inferior to brahmous a much older design... also we don't need to rely on YJ 12 we are developing a hypersonic anti ship ballistic missile a perfect area denial weapon... rust bucket Russian carriers will be cannon fodder for it
  17. Fighting Falcon 01

    BrahMos Supersonic Missile Successfully Test Fired From Navy's Stealth Destroyer

    We are developing hypersonic anti ship ballistic missiles it will tear your navy's chaddis ... keep bragging ... Yes brutal consequences came in the morning of 27th feb 19 when hero of India was given vir chakar for drinking Pakistani tea ...
  18. Fighting Falcon 01

    India’s still waiting for a defence university that was proposed in 1967, while Pakistan has 2

    Why don't you feed your bhoki nangi awam shitting in streets... why do you need a defence university... india is on top from bottom on hunger index... After getting beaten by clubs in Galwan you guys finally realised the importance of having a defence university... where are you guys training...
  19. Fighting Falcon 01

    14 including seven FC personnel martyred in Ormara attack

    **** off pajeet... RAW trains terrorists in Afghanistan sends them through Iran to balochistan for terrorist attacks on innocent people.... india proves again and again it does not want peace.... a response will come this time mark my words .... just be ready to mourn your terrorist rapist army
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