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  1. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Sqn. Ldr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui (Hilal-e-Jurat) (Shaheed)

    Sabre, I seem to have found a like minded person. Salaam! No, my Father passed away in 1996 and with him went his memories of Rajshahi and his childhood days. Rafiqui Sahab, for some reason has always been very close to my heart. Middlecoat, Cecil Chaudhry and the others from PAF were legendary...
  2. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Sqn. Ldr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui (Hilal-e-Jurat) (Shaheed)

    Here is an article written by an aviation researcher from India. Hope you all like what you are about to read. It is an excerpt from a book that he has written about Indo - Pak Conflicts. = A PAF BRAVEHEART =...
  3. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Sqn. Ldr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui (Hilal-e-Jurat) (Shaheed)

    Thanks a ton for pointing me in the right direction! The feeling is mutual.
  4. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Sqn. Ldr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui (Hilal-e-Jurat) (Shaheed)

    Read my introduction. I don't delve in dirty politics as I have scant knowledge of that field. What you are referring to is a political issue. I am here only for Air Combat and defence related issues. I'll let this pass Khan Sahab without posting a tit for tat repartee.
  5. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Sqn. Ldr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui (Hilal-e-Jurat) (Shaheed)

    OOOPSIE! Excuse me Sir, I am an Indian. A very proud and patriotic one at that! ;)
  6. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Sqn. Ldr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui (Hilal-e-Jurat) (Shaheed)

    The serial number is 52-5248. I have had the misfortune of seeing the wreckage being treated with scant regard and respect at Palam, Delhi. I wish people across the borders, in both countries, would treat these remains with a lot more respect and solemnity. They are, after all, the remains of...
  7. Sekhon Rafiqui

    Sqn. Ldr. Sarfaraz Ahmed Rafiqui (Hilal-e-Jurat) (Shaheed)

    I am a scale modeller and am trying to create an aircraft flown by Squadron Leader Rafiqui on the day that he embraced shahadat. I would be grateful for any links or photographs that you could provide me. The model will be a 1:48 scale kit. Thank you.
  8. Sekhon Rafiqui

    missing indians on pakistan defense

    There are sane Indians just as there are sane Pakistanis. They both prefer to keep quiet and absorb the truth and facts.
  9. Sekhon Rafiqui

    New Introductions

    Insha Allah!
  10. Sekhon Rafiqui

    missing indians on pakistan defense

    One Indian is still around (in fact, I've just joined this forum) and I would request you to please read my introduction before you comment about me. There are patriotic Indians and there are politically motivated Indians. I belong to the former and detest the latter. God bless.
  11. Sekhon Rafiqui

    New Introductions

    Thank you Zulu. I hope to contribute constructively in the days to come. However, I will remain silent on the very recent developments. I hope you will appreciate. Cheers!
  12. Sekhon Rafiqui

    New Introductions

    Good evening, Namaste and As Salaam Aleykum. It will be evident from my handle that I believe in 'give respect to get respect'. I am here to learn, accept, glean facts, seek the truth and challenge hysteria / propaganda. The recent events that occurred over the sub - continent have been...
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