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  1. POKEMON12

    Senior's cafe direction

    When you start giving nationality to even perspective, you start selectively picking the ideas and in process miss out vital opinions. When you say "most", you contradict your own opinion of banning whole community. The same "most" is true for pakistanis as well. What I am asking is providing...
  2. POKEMON12

    Senior's cafe direction

    This post is an apt example of what type of posters this forum need to discourage. Dear poster - you are right. Pakistani nationality is surely a certificate of sanity. If you are otherwise, you ought to be stupid. keep it up.
  3. POKEMON12

    LOL!! Crowd Shouts Modi - Modi when Rahul Gandhi enters Wankhede Stadium

    @[Bregs] Do you support congress? It gives me an impression you do but cant come up openly for obvious reasons. You hide your support while claiming to be anti modi.
  4. POKEMON12

    PHOTOS: INS Vikramaditya

    Two types of people will look these snaps - 1- Non defence type - Who cares what they think of defence equipment capability? Moreover, who cares of the opinion of those people who judge by appearance? 2- Defence guys - Gladly they dont go by looks. They go by facts and figures. Now, behalf of...
  5. POKEMON12

    PHOTOS: INS Vikramaditya

    Its not rusty. When you operate fighters, the surface is bound to get wheels' marks. And those reddish rust marks are actually spill over of red markings.
  6. POKEMON12

    'INS Vikramaditya will be a game-changer'

    Offcourse when you buy something you have to provide profit to seller. And more than cost, availability at this time is important. Indigenous wont be available next 5 years atleast. And I can expect you at least not be fooled by the current prediction of $2.2 billions. Its likely to go beyond 3...
  7. POKEMON12

    Pakistan have no Virat Kohli or Rohit Sharma

    You should be actually an ashamed pakistani for making this post in this thread.
  8. POKEMON12

    Pakistan have no Virat Kohli or Rohit Sharma

    Dont take Kohli's Bhen$%^& to your heart mate. :D Aur what harm Rahul/Sachin/Laxman did? Zunaid guy is good, rest I am sorry. Pakistan team was never dependent that much on a spinner ever that it is today on Saeed Ajmal.
  9. POKEMON12

    If Pakistan 'splinters' | Indian Defense Review

    Dont be notorious. TTP will end the day pakistan proves its an indian stooge.
  10. POKEMON12

    If Pakistan 'splinters' | Indian Defense Review

    Tell this to islamic jihadis aka TTP that they are supported by kafirs, I am sure you will be killed.
  11. POKEMON12

    Senior's cafe direction

    Allow access to chosen individuals....irrespective of the tag. A bit of exercise would be required. If someone misbehave - revoke the access, no matter whatever rank he/she owns. ;)
  12. POKEMON12

    The Chamar Regiment

    Add bragging and day dreaming to it as well. :D
  13. POKEMON12

    The Chamar Regiment

    Mayabati (chamar) has been CM of Uttar Ptadesh twice, can we say chamars in UP dont face social discrimination? Going by the same logic many muslims in India has occupied pioneer positions like president etc, why so much cry about minorities then. Be logical.
  14. POKEMON12

    Senior's cafe direction

    The criteria to be senior is merely post count irrespective of the quality of post. It is actually a contradiction to very purpose of this section. Some legend trolls with post more than 2000 are eligible while many saner minds simply have to post and then wait for some mod to approve. many a...
  15. POKEMON12

    The Chamar Regiment

    Yours is a troll post. Not sure why you feel to post this. Untouchable is just one act of classification. Humans do find ways to create classes to feel superior, it may be based on economics, color, region, inheritance, history or whatever be an easier way to earn superiority. You can see...
  16. POKEMON12

    The Chamar Regiment

    If you chose to expand the horizon, you will find all men and women with same 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 eyes, wearing clothes, walking on 2, one mouth and having similar human emotions. But then we are social animal and inclined to create class, its just the granularity differs. They looked same to...
  17. POKEMON12


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