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  1. L

    Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General Reveals that he is of Vietnamese descent

    What you said is irrelevant. You need to read the story carefully before you make any vain argument. It is NOT Vietnamese people but Ban Ki-Moon himself who declared that he is the proud descendant of a Vietnamese family. Two Vietnamese princes who fled to Korea as refugees were treated well...
  2. L

    The overdramatic nature of Korean protest against Japan

    Frankly speaking, I did not think his apology mean anything. Every people has their own national pride, and so the pride factor doesn't mean much in this context either. What I wanted was to show people here how that Japanese guy will react to my challenge to expose his technical trolling, and...
  3. L

    The overdramatic nature of Korean protest against Japan

    Why should I read the article that I or most Koreans know the details long before you google? I will cut my finger and lie anything to be an military officer if I was born at that time in a colonial state, and that kind of thing you island people are very good at as your history tells isn't it...
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    The overdramatic nature of Korean protest against Japan

    Nihonjin1051, post: 7117546, member: 157425 So, where's your proof boy? Where is your proof? No. you don't have any proof. Therefore you're trying to evade with another BS about Korea. Even worse. What is this photo? He was 46, and it was taken a year after his successful coup. So, will you...
  5. L

    The overdramatic nature of Korean protest against Japan

    This is Park Chung Hee (Okamoto Minoru): The first picture is a plain fake. Even 11 year old kid would know that by the difference between two pictures. If you island kid didn't realize it at a glance, go check whether your eyeballs are still stuck in the right halls. Otherwise, prove me...
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