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  • Continued - As for whether a non muslim can be the Head of State of an Islamic Republic, I think Ijtehad of Scholars and Intellectuals, in this regard is required because I truly believe that the non muslim citizens of Pakistan are not 'the others', they are not Dhimmis anymore, they are not a conquered people, they are a part of us. And if someone like Justice (R) Rana Bhagawandas can be trusted with interpreting Sharia Law as a Justice of the Supreme Court, I'm sure that he can be entrusted with carrying out the responsibilities of the President of Pakistan within a constitutional framework that ensures that no law is made which is in direct contravention to Islam or Sunnah.
    Continued - All of our 4 Sunni Imams and the 1 Shia Imam, all of them differed from each other because of this inherent difference of letter and spirit and all of them were right. Islam is not something that takes you by the finger and gets you from point A to point B - its a code of conduct which enshrines in it the salient features of what it means to be Human and Just, a framework of living a good life, if you will.
    Mr.Zaravan, I hear what you're saying but also hear me out : The Quran is the infallible word of God and Muhammad (PBUH) is the best example that we can follow; however, we are very much fallible in our intellect and intentions. The Quranic laws can never be valid for all times, unless they had the provision of flexibility in them so that we can find a solution to our different problems in different times by consulting the same Quran and Sunnah. I believe that it does have that flexibility and if we were to historically contextualize what is being said, we'd be able to see both the letter and the spirit of the laws - we tend to concentrate only on the letters and not on the spirit of whats being said by God.
    P.S. I like the saying of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (RA): Iqbal writes: "Everyone knows my Mazhabi and Deeni aqaaed (religious beliefs) . In religious beliefs, I am a follower of SALAF (the ancient Sunni Imams) . Theoretically, in matters of FIQH, I am a ghair muqallid (follower of none of the Imams of FIQH). In practice, I am a follower of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa. I urge my family, inheritors and lawyers to be particularly careful in this matter for marriage of the children and before my family enters into any bond of relationship (with people). This will be a duty binding on them. Gentle disposition and religiousness must take precedence over knowledge, wealth and physical appearance."

    - Muhammad Iqbal Barrister
    13 October 1935.
    Quran does not need explanantion, when we approach it with clarity of heart/intention it opens itself to us.

    I do believe in Hadees, but only those one which are not contradictory to the Criterion (Quran).
    I am not a Kharji or Qadiyani or belong to any other sect; if you see that is 'tafarraqah' (division) in the Deen.

    A humble request at the end; please remove word 'Proud' from your description. Pride is the cardinal sin that satan had committed and this is what that is the basis of much repression in the world. A more proper word should be 'Thank Ful'.

    Dear Brother, A/A, I do not have much study of the Quran or hadees. But whatever I have studied tells me that Quran is the Furqan (Criterion) to judge anything regarding Deen.

    On the basis of that when I compare Quran and Hadees, I find Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to be the biggest denier of Quran. Then, I question myself, how is that possible? Isn't Prophet (PBUH) Insaan-e-Kamil (The Perfect Human Being), then, how can he go against the Quran - The message of Allah (SWT) for all the eternity. One of them has to be incorrect, either fabricated or amended with good or bad intentions.

    As Allah (SWT) is Himself the Protector of Quran, so, Quran has to be correct and anything that is contradictory to the Quran can be discredited. It all depends upon an individual what his/her interpretation is as there is no compulsion in Deen. All the 'Muhkimat' (Commandments) are given in 'Plain Arabic' in Quran.
    Mr Yusuf Estes conversion to Islam doesn't prove Islam right, Neither 1000's of new joiny make it right. Growth rate can not be benchmark for being right. Why should I read Quraa`n and Hadis when I can read nature and science?? I agree these religious books (Written by human like me and you) provide us good moral value which we must follow.

    If I can get the same moral value from Bible what is the need to read Quraa`n??? I think all these religious book tell same story, same moral values. Why Islam is mandatory when I can achieve the same thru other religion??? Just look around you, I feel Jews, Persian (Not Irani Muslims) and christians are happy and living in better condition than Muslims.
    Thats the end of discussion. "Belief" is the word you count on. The religious argument start with belief and ends with belief. All belief can not be logically approved. Adam and Eve is fable written by oldest civilization (may be sumerians or Paganic). We have evolved from one cell microorganism. There was no god who made earth and sky, Its nature, its physics which did it.
    @Yusuf Estes: He is a Muslim salesman, A salesman never tell his product bad. Have you ever met a salesman from Amway or any other Ponzie scheme??? They have faith in their product. Few religions are like MLM (Multi level marketing, Ponzie schemes), increasing headcount is solo agenda. There salesman are highly motivated and influential. FYKI I have heard many so called Scholars. I have heard Islamic scholars and Cristian scholars as well.

    Both speak same thing, Both speak similar things.
    I don't say that religion is absurd or not needed, Religion is a bond to human civilization. It provide us cohesion. When human started living in group, they followed a path/way of life, which became paganic religions. Since men are corrupt these religion became corrupt. then came the Jesus, he saw many flaws in then existing religion. Instead of bringing reforms, he chose easy path "form a new religion". After some time Cristianity became corrupt (as men are corrupt). Some time later Muhammad came into picture and he did the same. Since then many ppl came, they form a religion, some religion are hit, some are flop.

    Its like making movie, you don't like old movies, you make new movie. After sometime new generation come, they don't like your movie, they make new movie...
    Zarvan faith is something which can not be proved every time. You are a Muslim and being a Muslim you can not ask question (It may labled as blasphemy). When you are on earth you can not see earth rotating, but that doesn't deny the fact that the earth is rotating. When you say Islam is oldest religion where is the proof? When you day Adam was the first prophet, where is the proof? Infact existence of Adam itself is dubious. Its a fable.

    And if the God has sent many prophet on earth then why shall I believe Hazrat was the last prophet??? coz he said so?? Why don't I believe in Prophet Jesus?? After all he too was sent by Him.. Why don't I believe in Prophet Budhha?? If He has sent them on earth to spread peace then what special in Prophet Muhammad??? He can not be racist ,He loves all his prophet same.
    I have been pounded with Islamic books for 12 years I was made to memorize volumes of Islamic books. I already know a lot of what you mean but I still disagree with it.
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