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    Gujarat --> who initiated the Riot by buring 57 hindus alive (Muslims)
    Orisa --> if a muslim turns to other religion the punishment is death, and if the Christian missionaries go door to door, you want us to fu$k arround, what if the same happens in Pakistan, he would be dead the next minute, (we are atleast mercyful to slap the person and say do not do it again
    Panjab --> a PM was killed by Sikh, and the riot was started by Congress not Hindus.
    Sati died in INDIA during the period of British, and we have evolved to the next level where as your Mullahs are Cave men interested in destroying any country that has shoping malls as entertainment theaters.

    So again you can shove up your educator's a$$ with your anti INDIA propaganda and if posible shove your glory into your own as$
    is this what your Mullahs taought you that we HINUDS fought other religion in the past.
    Is that the reason that HINUDISM is the mother of all Dharmic religion(Jainism, Budhism, Sikhism, etc). We have never indulged in a war based on religion in the past 5000 years of recorded human history.
    Our epic MAHABARATHA, tells the story of a war over two family for the right to land, and the story is not only about the fight but the different human characters that the world is comprised off.
    SO you can shove up your pathetic post in the bony a$$ of your teacher and that of yourself.
    at least we acknowledge certain facts and we are working for the betterment of the society, but not blowing ourself in the name of jihad and justifying the same that GOD ordered to fu&k up peoples lives.
    if your learing of INDIA and the caste system is from a Mulla(hate monger) you sure will say that INDIA treats its people as not humans, but the reality is opposite of what the Mulims of other countries propagate about us.
    Sir this is not the 6th century. If prophet (PBUH) did nothing against the women who kept throwing garbage at him who are we? instead when she fell sick he went to ask how she was inquired about her health and wished her to get well. I'm no fan of Rushdie but what you say is wrong in my opinion. At best as someone else said ignore what he said and move on.
    Castes are now like SHia, Sunni sects in ISLAM. NO ONE IS UNTUCHABLE NOW IN MODERN INDIA.
    WHEN you want to know about caste in modern india come to india and learn don't go by your idiot Mullah who teachs you hate towards other religion.
    so you mean to say that Mullahs who did are not Islam and you are diswoving them for killing an innocent who came there to work as a journalist.
    so untill they kill some one they are Muslims and the moment they have brought loss of life they are not Muslims. what hipocracy is that. if I or my family members do a mistake, I have to first acknoledge the fact that a mistake is done by my family member, simply saying that he is no longer part of my family is not correct.
    It was the teachings of Islam and Mullahs that made these men behead a lot of people from Daniel to a lot of Pakistani Soldiers.

    You can claim your fastest growing religion, etc, etc. because all Dharmic religon are not interesetd in the numbers all we think about is doing Dharma when doing our daily work.

    Now regarding caste system, come to INDIA and witness for yourself where caste plays a role and where it does not. no one is untoucahble today in INDIA, Dalits enjoy all the things that is available to a bhramin.
    and now you say that Arab is ruled by Traitors, these people who ruled Arad did not go to war with other countries and remined peaceful and because they did not go to war and capture others and slaughter them for not being Muslims you call them traitors.
    YOu and your idea can go to Hell
    and that is the reason that Daniel Pearl the WALL Street journal was beheaded, he attacked and the bunch of lunatics beheaded and showed that video world wide including his pregnent wife.
    and if what you say about peace is true, then why the fuc# did the Moguls came into INDIA and slaughtered our subjects and our Kings.
    you keep your religion to yourself and you don't have to say a Hindu like me that ISLAM is a way of life because from what we witness in our day to day life we see that violance is what ISLAM propagates. Not only ISLAM, all the abhramic religion Christians kill humans in Iraq, Afgan, Jews kill humans in Palestine and Islam kills human in the name of Religious Expansion and Jihad and the agenda of world dominance.
    ya, I know, I know, that is the reason that most islamic countries in the Middle east only rely on OIL, but have no stable government. Look at the arab springs and let me know where the problem is.
    Just don't blindly belive in a book,
    God resides in every one. We say that Gods characters has love, compasion, etc.
    Show me a living being other than Humans who can exhibit these characters, does that not mean God resides in us and in our deeds.\If you are still adament to belive that you need not reply me, as i find no interest in replying to your post and you can not see for yourself(blind by choice)
    sorry mate, you don't have to explain me what you belive in, but you can be tolerant when some one is teach some one YOGA. if you do not wish to learn YOGA that is your problem, no one is going to ask you why are not interested. But you do not have the right to say that some one should not teach this and that in PAKISTAN. AND should not threaten the CHRISTIANS of communal friction.
    Keep your religion to your bed room and walk tall as a free man in the street,
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