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  • hi sir ...i have already contacted mods to change my username they told me to start the thread in suggestion area..i have already done but they have not changed my user name..
    Pls change my username from vks_gautam to Mirza
    Hi. How can I change my username? I asked for help in this problem to two mods but they did not answer. If you can than please change my username to Kesang from Mythbuster. Thanks.
    Dear WebMaster,

    If its not too much trouble, can you please change my username too " Project 627 "
    Bhai, Is it a democratic international forum or lala ki dukaan??

    I have posted a thread about alest news that published tody about "Pakistan's support for terror in India could lead to N-exchange: US"

    Elmo have issued me 2 infractions for it saying trolling.

    Is it right???????

    What trolling in this???????

    Which rule i have violated??????

    Did i faked the news or twisted the thread title?????

    Or is it a old news???????

    She even goes on to bully me and threatening that she will ban me as if i gonna face death squad.

    That's not like any professional, fair justice international open forum.
    okay ifg u do promise tht u will take action against my complain than i will nt rep i willl just report complain
    now Oscar close my thread regarding Sad feelings are we not allowed to share even our feeling this is giving really bad impression of PDF......:mad:
    Yes i had a question when i got infraction i was answering to an offtopic & suddenly i got infraction which says tht am talking offtopic,

    when everyone especialy inidans talk offtopic every where why i got infraction & whts the difference between infraction and warning?
    i got a warning too...:( without any gud reason
    Why has aazidane and Mai dong thu long not been banned yet. They should not be able to post such comments and personal photos of other members on PDF. This is harassment!
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