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  • In addition, it is not realistic to have the five prayers when you work at school, as police officers, as government officials and etc. In addition, there are those non-muslims as well. If you think it is unfair, that is your opinion. Talk to the Chinese government. Chinese government is quite sensitive to those religion interference and we strictly have state and religion separation limitation. Whatever you do at your home or mosque is your freedom as long as that is not against Chinese Laws. In public places, offices and schools, we just won't allow those religious rituals to happen. As simple as that.
    China does not prevent your Friday prayer but have restrictions if you work for the government, schools and etc. First, China is an atheist Country. Unless some special positions, we do not allow government officials to be related to any religions. Their loyalty is at first to government. We cannot let any religions or their GOD to interfere our government business. Otherwise, for example, what if the pope tells him to do in one way and our government tells him to do it the other way???
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