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    Nuclear propulsion

    I was wondering what people think about nuclear propulsed missiles. Why hasn't this been tried before? I know there's been some research done on this in the past, before it has been abandoned. But I would imagine they could at extreme distances, since its nuclear and not just burning fuel, and...
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    Clash of Civilizations-Your Views-Are really in a us versus them scenario?

    I never said we were culturally or politically homogeneous. But our religious identity will always prevail all other things. This is what non-Muslims dream of destroying, our sense of religious belonging. But the Ummah will always live.
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    Clash of Civilizations-Your Views-Are really in a us versus them scenario?

    Excerpt from Prophet Muhammad's(pbuh) last sermon: No such thing as nationalism in Islam. Only one Ummah.
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    Clash of Civilizations-Your Views-Are really in a us versus them scenario?

    The fundamental mistake in your analysis is that Islam CREATED a civilisation. Ancient Arab-Persian-Turkic civilisations were united by Islam and created its own unique civilisation
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    Palestine one - Israel Zero

    Lol what a joke. You have had the unconditional support of the EU and US for decades, it was your inability to make any concessions and your lack of interest in resolving the conflict that has resulted to this. Arab Peace Initiative explicitly proposed to give you recognition and diplomatic...
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    Palestine one - Israel Zero

    What?! No full membership?
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    Vast majority of Muslims in the West are integrated and are un-obtrusive in their customs in the societies they live in. It's only that every fringe radical voice is magnified and generalised by the corporate media. PS It's kind of sad your getting quotes from atheists and your colonial masters...
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    More baseless assumptions, where did you learn to read? In all my comments I said "oppressed muslims". No where in Islam are we required to support Muslims just because they are Muslim.
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    The sheer stupidity and idiocy of some Indians never ceases to amaze me. You made a number of assumptions in the pile of crap you have written, that I have never made. When did I ever say I was willing to hold rallies and banners in the name of solidarity you worthless scum? I merely said, as a...
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    Yes, it is true that Muslims feel a strong brotherhood, this is fundmental in Islam. Our Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said: “The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain”. This is why we...
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    And speaking of imposing values, Muslims ruled Indian subcontinent for almost 800 years, you should be glad Hinduism still exists.
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    Muslims don't impose their values on anyone, this simply is not true. Even the term "Muslim" is rather nonsensical because there are hundreds of different cultures and sets of values between us. I never understand why people think Muslims are monolithic, we are very diverse.
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    How is this not true? Are you seriously saying Indians are not the same everywhere? I'm not hating, I respect that people keep their cultures, but it is the truth. Same goes with Muslims, you can't expect people to throw away thousands of years of culture and tradition and immediately accept a...
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    Listen dumb Indian, a Mullah doesn't speak for all Muslims. The maniacs are the ones that find these fringe voices and propagate them to the highest levels.
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    Choudhury? LMAO this guy is a MI6 agent. His on the cover of British newspapers every Sunday, they should hire someone else.
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    Nuclear powers plan weapons spending spree, report finds

    Why does Israel need ICBMs?
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    Muslim Brainwashing...Radicalisation of Muslims in germany.

    Man this insane constant fear of a "Sharia takeover" of Europe is just laughable, most Muslim countries don't even have Sharia law as their state law. This is just pure Islamaphobia, plain and simple.
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    Iran Turns Down Clinton's Offer for Iran-US Direct Talks

    But in my opinion Iran's leaders are strategically inept, their history of foreign policy and many enemies is a testament to this. I think they should accept a huge economic/trade package that guarantees supply of uranium, investment in their oil and gas industry and even nuclear civilian...
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    Iran Turns Down Clinton's Offer for Iran-US Direct Talks

    Absolutely right. The United States tries to deceive the world that their opposition to Iran is solely about the nuclear issue. The nuclear issue came to light in about 2002, then why has Iran been sanctioned for 32 years? If it's not the nuclear issue, it's "destabilising the region", it is...
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