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  • lol..ok

    btw your "about me" says you are a business consultant. What type of business would that be?
    Im thinking, but need someone to accompany me to faisalabad, or maybe I will just wait for Lahore protest...
    Part 3

    It was not just 1997 but even in 2002 ISI with all its resources and power could win Imran Khan just one national assembly seat. Look how much money has Imran Khan made just in one tenure as MNA?

    I don’t think that Nawaz Sharif’s political birth in General Jailani’s lap, formation of IJI and NRO have anything to do with ISI or should have any place in your memory.

    Nusrat Javed Sb it is impossible that one person can achieve so much in one life. If it was possible, you with all your God gifted talent would have achieved much more than Imran Khan. I think it is the strongest evidence of ISI supporting him.
    It is now up to people like you to expose this real enemy of democracy who is running this ridiculous Hukoomat Hatao, Mulk Bachao movement against the most efficient and fair govt in history of Pakistan.

    To save Pakistan we are looking towards beacons of integrity like you.
    Nusrat Javed Sb Lage Raho.
    part 2

    ISI did not stop here, they approached Bradford University and actually arm twisted the management to make Imran Khan its chancellor. Namal university in Mianwali with majority of its students getting Bradford University degree free of cost again is actually an ISI project with Imran Khan just as a face.

    Unfortunately ISI miserably failed to get Imran Khan even a single seat in 1997 as the real Awami leader Nawaz Sharif worked against all odds to win a convincing 2/3 majority.
    you must read this.....found on siasat.pk, its hilarious !!!

    Part 1.

    Dear Nusrat Javed Sb

    I think you should do more research on this Imran Khan/ISI romance. I think it started much earlier than 1996.

    In 1971 when Pakistan was going through a very traumatic period our agencies were busy in launching Imran Khan in international cricket. Obviously it did not work as you cannot play cricket only with agencies support so Imran Khan was dubbed as Imran CAN’t.

    Then ISI got him admission in Oxford University and re launched him in international cricket few years down the line. ISI conspired to make him one the leading cricketer of all times. And one big secret which I think you must know is that 1992 world cup was fixed by ISI…

    SKCH&RC is a brain child of ISI and actually it collected all the funds to build it and even today is allocating its secret funds to run it.
    All these journalists want Imran khan to compromise on objectives... which IK must not do, last night I was watching off the record and IK was directly asked by Kashif Abbasi would you align with Nawaz league, IK said he has betrayed PTI three times, why should I join with him ??? and even javed hashmi testified to Imran khan on the spot......
    alright.... you were talking of some article by Nusrat Javed regarding Imran khan, can I have their links please?
    oh I am yet to be motivated for that :) though I must...

    Yes I am from Lahore... you are from Lahore too ?
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