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  • i was doing bds until recently bt shifted to pk so kinda stuck there wid studies...wat abt u?
    im a taurean-ppl rarely found!
    bt Sagittarius ppl fight a lot...i mean there r firing when it comes to temper.
    Stars can't lit your heart you go near one and you'll burn other then that as carl sagan said "You are made of star stuff".

    sorry for my nerdy side ._.
    Haha no like you i take my studies more sereiously i am a science freak :P

    And nope to your pm =p.
    haha i still haven't finished my A- levles :P.

    good to know you have the same background as me xD.

    btw i am still confused are you a guy or gal ?
    Part time i have an open contract of sort :P. Its good if you need some extra cash sometimes. I am basicly a student and Amature Astronomer
    I am a part time modle so i am comfortable with that but yes i prefer if people call me shattered i don't like my name D:

    and haha :P
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