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  • Hello ,
    I just came to know - Person in uniform have a separate designation on forum.
    I want to know - Is it allowed for Indian members.
    I am Lt in -AMC(Medical core of Indian Army) . I am a doctor currently posted in Command Hospital Pune - India

    Why didn't the management put Mr. Penguin into elite member group. I think he really deserves it.
    Khan Ji, agar mein ney baat na khatam kar di hoti, sirf tumharey munh sey, to mein is batman ki aisi ki taisi karta khoob. Magar zuban dey kar waapis lena, hamara usool nahin.
    just noticed your private dialogue with that indian "narad"

    quite an entertaining exchange i must say. Nice kill, ace :)
    how many posts i ve to submit before i become a full member? meanwhile can you give me some nice desig like Admiral or Lieutenant..:-)
    I think my post shouldnt be deleted..............U can see the intentions of Indians to flame ....or demoralize pak techs.
    I dont see any thing wrong in my post......I just said that Pak hav more western techs then India has.....and thats very True.

    The line I used is a common saying which means that one doesnt need to stoop down to anothers level of mudslinging to take the fight.....It was directed to one of my countrymen and intended to prevent him from calling Pakistan a "dog" in response to India being called a "big pile of smelly garbage" and "India looks like a Penis".....the latter from an "Elite" member.....

    I dont know why it is being miscontrued, but using the word kidas was never meant to be directed to Pakistanis, or was never my intention and I am not that kind of a person, especially having close links with Pakistanis. Anyways, another member approached me about it and I have appropriately apologized to him if I offended him....

    Howeever I do expect you to understand that patience has its limits and I have a short fuse....especially when people like JinxeD Girl use derogatory comments about my country and its people.....while her offensive posts still live...I think you need to tell JinxeD Girl to watch her trap.....
    I hope you understand my point that we are here as guests and respect the environment + management.....but not at the cost of my country...

    Anyways appreciate the note and I will be mindful of sentiments posting next......as I hope you will communicate this to some of your countrymen as well....


    You are the Mod and i will go by your decision.

    If u don't mind, i want to draw ur attention to the some issues

    India defense section there are many threads which does not have relation to the India Defense and are posted by Pakistani/Chinese member just to troll.





    And when one Indian member posted


    then the thread has been moved claiming it does not related to India Defense section exclusively.

    Sir, what type of justice is this.

    The in china defense section chinese people posts many threads which does not related to the china defense section.

    Sir, it is causing mess and degrading the great forum.

    I hope you will take note of above.

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