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  • Yeah i am studing Information Technology in London. Will move to pak after few years InshAllah.
    thanks,brother.long live Pakistan-China friendship,wish every pakistani all the best in 2010
    That's good to know....good luck bruv....hope you be successful in life..:)

    I am a student too, studing IT :D
    yeah bruv, you are right.....but these a***holes won't achieve nothing. I hope & pray u stay safe & fine.

    Btw, what do you do? Student?
    that's nice!

    am also from pak, isb....but currently residing in london :D

    Howz life in quetta? i get to hear a lot of propoganda abt Pakistan, speically Balouchistan......how'z everything there?
    UK has banned all Indian student visas for some time & Stricken its Visa policy for others.

    It just depends if you really want to go to study or just to waste your time , make your decision and i let me know.
    PN, use the report post button to highlight the problem. Next to every post there is a report post icon. Click on it and you'll get the options.

    Very silly messages, you can revert to a moderator and get the person banned if he is spewing too much nonsense.
    We tolerate all people on this forum and many members abuse this, however many are respectful of this and that is something positive...
    It shall take a lot of time for Indians to realize that Pakistan also has many genuine concerns which India does not seem willing to recognize at this stage.
    We are trying to change Pakistan and we have developed much more perspective than i could have imagined due to the difficulties that surround us.
    Inshallah when we rise now, we shall have learnt so much that we will truly be a tiger of Asia.

    my dad didnt go back to save me or my brothers and sister.i wasnt even born at that time .he went back because he perfered to live in pakistan.my family used to go back every year and it seemed hard so my dad decided to go back permenantely.
    waisay bhi apna mulk apna hi hota hai!
    am i right?
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