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  • areh bhai I also said the same thing when I was 18. But when that one lady who makes your heart go weak when she smiles at you approaches you in life then you must realise that you have to hang up your guns and be taken prisoner for life yaar. how old are you ?
    Nothing is sure, it still is ambiguous. The sure thing is that they won't be the newer ordered 18 F-16s. Either the American spokesman got misunderstood or he gave a wrong statement or it can be the 4 newer Blk 52s, plus some extra EDA F-16s that Pakistan has been asking for, which would be later upgraded to Blk 52 standard.

    Nothing for sure, time will tell.

    And where is that pic of the armored defender jeep by HIT ??
    PN, there is no abuse in those posts, a little annoying, but its his free opinion.

    It's also on topic.
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