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  • Lol,,,,,,, Yes I am a Bhai Log and not any Behan Log. BTW, how did u get the idea of perceiving me a Female????
    well..i just like reading the articles..posting is almost always equivalent to fighting..and i dont like fighting..i know the truth about how loving pakistani people are and i hate it when all these news reports come out about blasts and terrorism..i was selected to be a part of a peace mission to karachi sponsored by TTIS as a junior in 2004..i couldnt go because of my school exams but one of my friends brought back lots of videos and told me her experiences..what is the point in posting when majority of the people just want to fight??
    I meant you can't even compare the UAE armed forces with the Pakistani armed forces. The Pakistanis in the UAE are enough to defeat the UAE.
    its a Mamluk name. A name from caucasus. there are two words in it, Kan means blood in turkish, su means water. Read it as its written. just like in german. Dont try to roll your tongue as if you read something english=) This is Turkish brother =)
    Lol man most of baloch people live in rural villages and some militants like bla annd Blf supported by india are giving money to uneducated folks etc but people who are educated are MORE THEN PATRIOTS TO MOTHER PAKISTAN.....govt should take stepps and utilise money itself not by giving it to sardars of the areas.
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