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Recent content by Hammy007

  1. Hammy007

    Saudi Arabia in Pictures

    very nice pictures, didnt know it snows in saudi arabia
  2. Hammy007

    Four CIA spies on run after escaping a checkpoint.

    i would rather suggest this
  3. Hammy007

    What are the requirements to join the Saudi Arabian Military

    but we are not sudiarabians, perhaps go to saudi arabia forum
  4. Hammy007

    End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

    before supporting bloody 'revolution ' every where go and bring down your own governemtn puppets in saudia, they dont make any industry in saudia just want to live in luxury with oil, go bring down your government
  5. Hammy007

    End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

    rebels just want power for themselves, not for libyans, this is not going to improve libya just american colony it will become
  6. Hammy007

    End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

    its funny isnt it, the islamic rebels get supported in one country which is already stable and doing good, but on another not so far corner called somalia, they get bombed??
  7. Hammy007

    End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

    so you think nato is anti zionist?? who supported the rebels and bomb and killed so many libyans
  8. Hammy007

    End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

  9. Hammy007

    End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

    victory to ionists and americans ofcourse :victory::victory: http://static.indianexpress.com/m-images/Sun%20Apr%2024%202011,%2009:57%20hrs/M_Id_211399_libya.jpg
  10. Hammy007

    Pakistan yearns for a ‘Hazare’ too

    india is free from landlords, pakistan has landlords, how can corruption stop when there are landlords stupid act, only these poeple asking for publicity
  11. Hammy007

    Four CIA spies on run after escaping a checkpoint.

    dude the american terrorists are hiding in the US consulate why will a terrorist admit he is a terrorist??
  12. Hammy007

    Erecting a monument to Jinnah in Bangladesh

    its no benefit, jinnah's pakistan is was in present day pakistan
  13. Hammy007

    The top 5 movies you have ever watched.

    indeed, good movie, ful of adventure plys jassica and paul walker :agree:
  14. Hammy007

    Army ready but Rangers can restore peace in Karachi: Kayani

    neither army nor rangers is a solution, these politicans have failed, its proven, police has failed, civil order is failed, the army after killing so many people and burning every damn place will leave but then again it will beome the same situation, the clear example is the army operation in...
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