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  • sallam dear bro.
    i ned your help. i've my interview in ministry of defense . how is it supposed to be and how to respond with. awaiting your reply .
    Sir why do you get so much angry in short time...
    I mean yes other mods also close the thread but you are wayyy quicker than others….
    Don’t take me wrong….
    It was just a light question….
    why was my thread deleted ? i find this highly offensive and unfair. Just being a mod does not allow to you delete threads because you dont like them. A similar thread with the same title is still on and running then why was my thread deleted when i was not breaking any forum rules. Can you give me one reason why it was deleted when for a fact there are many other post here that are much more offensive
    Bro I hope u r fine. Master g in one of his post said that Asim is doing about the transfer of money from pakistan for forum. Kaya bana us ka? I want to help from a long time. For this purpose I applied my visa debit card and now get it. Now plz guide me what's next for me.
    please reopen the thread.. even though it may not be possible to erase the boundries again....i hope my indian and pakistani friends can reunite at least at heart...
    Lol... was checking out your webby's wall and came across this gem: "Asim is more catholic than the pope himself"

    hey why you are proving more loyal to India than the Indians. And what do you mean discuss only Pakistani social issues? There is no such restriction in any of the forum.

    If so it means you can restrict topics only to discuss Pakistani security and other issues means any tom dick and harry can come and liter the shi.t about Pakistan and we are not suppose to post anything about their countries.

    You can delete this msg after reading.
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