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  • Nope that link is all interpretation and the rest is all Hadiths. Which i don't trust or believe. And it was you who said American as non muslims when there are 3 million muslims here
    Im going to guess your IQ is lower than 50 and that you are suffering form psychological problems since you say we but there is no we. There is just you.
    Once again Zarvan you are assuming. I used to be in the Muslim student youth club for a bit in college and none of the students there would agree with you,
    i am not saying that it isn't true....all i am saying is that like in Islam every religion has a way of life ....you refuse to believe in them just like they refuse to believe in yours......and as such no religion(including) exits in its pure form any where .......

    as for minority rights - no religion tells any one to forcefully convert the minorities or kill them for being non believers of their respective faiths....
    (can you say that Hindus/christians in your country are not targeted - be it by radicals or not)

    Islam like other religions has become abused by people of your own faith for their personal gains........

    and considering this only two options exist
    1)secularism-where every one of all faiths co-exist peacefully........
    2)have a society where you faith stays within you home and you leave it when you leave your house
    Dude, I have posted a long article which debunks the hadith. If you could debunk it with valid information, I will be happy to accept your belief. However, personally I do not believe it will happen ever.
    الله يحفظك ويحميك ويهديك ويثبتك على الطريق الصحيح
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