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    Can you use the proper channels please and not post on my profile.
    I didn't ask for dude to be banned or whatever... but this guy was the reason I left PDF... So provocative and slimy vibes I get from him (wastage of time guy)... Anyways I have sort of a spiritual awakening in past few months and I am redefining my shaksiyet.. I thought it was a bit necessary unveil some potential fitna, but I didn't accuse anything.. I just asked for answers.
    Yes but we don't target individuals, it was also odd after such a long time you came back and posted a thread about him. You're also fighting the Chinese members and calling them "Han Chinese" etc. We're not against you engaging anyone but on good terms.
    Shehr Abbasi
    Shehr Abbasi
    @waz did you see my message do i permission to post here
    sir, is blasphemy allowed on this forum and is some random parsi turd allowed to disrespect our Holy Prophet SAW and our religion? i understand you guys (pdf mods) have some love affair with that racist turd but i think this bias does any of us any good! i hope that turd is permanently banned!
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    some mod deleted his posts but dint ban him! thats crazy if you ask me! and he has a history of racist post and disrespectinf Islam!
    I’ll look now.
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    Bro been through at least 40 posts. I shall be on the look out more. The deleted ones are gone. Thanks for bringing this up.
    Sir, May I ask why my posts were deleted from the thread about the reported "sale of 50 Chinese UCAVs to Pak"?

    I'm not sure if it was u or some other mod who deleted them...but I didn't say anything that violated the forum rules. If somehow the post unintentionally violated some rule that warranted deletion...then I would like to to know as to why.
    I didn’t delete them bro. I’ll look up as to why the were.
    Hi. Do you remember issuing warnings to me over @Falcon29 without any provocation from me?
    Have you checked his recent post insulting me? The moderators have not taken care of it, even though I reported him yesterday.
    @waz I was planning on sharing some additional findings through some primary source material to that thread "Debunking the claim of 200 000 rapes in 1971" so that future researchers can see and use it. Could you allow me to share it on that thread (I see you have locked it) or is there a way I can add it to my first post there on that thread (via editing so I don't have to create a new post on it).
    Assalamualaikum bhai

    Please make this thread I started into a sticky. I don't think there's as detailed a refutation as mine to this myth.

    @waz it would help if this thread was turned into a sticky so that more people can see it and future researchers can consult it to counter this propaganda
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    Salam - spent about 15 minutes writing a post on that twat JackFell thread not realising it was closed.
    Racist fukwit doesn’t realise that ship of returning brownys back to Pakistan has sailed long time ago with Enoch Powell - offering 50k was a bit sh1t - I’d want 15 million - conservatively that’s what my business is worth.
    anyway end of rant - cheers
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    Reactions: waz
    Truth hurts my dear little (brown) boy. Actually you are right i am offending vermin - my apologies to all vermin reading this - you are 1 below.
    Just let it sink in. We are here to say. This is OUR soil. You will not see any leaving. We look after ourselves - expand - have larger successful families - meanwhile you sit in your pub licking your wounds - getting covids and dying off early
    You live off the hard for of British people while you collect benefits and concentrate the wealth via dirty cash and carry shops.

    Look up r/K breeding strategy, there is a reason majestic animals like lions and tigers only have a few children per year while cockroaches have many.

    Where will you run off to once you turn Britain into a shithole as well? Eastern Europe won't take you in. What then?
    O dear. Cant even make sense in your mother tongue. lol @waz im pleased this has been said on your profile page. A desperate need of Burnol maybe needed - if you need it - let me know - owning a chain of pharmacies - have access to plenty. Imagine your white land run by us - lolll let it burn....
    Salaams bro, I used your template to send a complaint about to the sickh racist who was harassing the Iranian sister. I sent the complaint all the e-mails you provided.
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