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  • dont want to go offtopic there taimi but i think bomb blast in goa was not intended against christians
    Dear Friend taimikhan if i have the privilege to call so.

    I was going to add many facts and discussions to my thread which you have deleted please allow the members to have democracy to participate in healthy debate. Firstly i have posted it on World Economy saction because it does not have relevance to India Defence but it was moved to India Defence and now deleted.

    I'm new to the forum so if there was some error from my side i apologize for that. I hope you will found my concern genuine.

    Thanks & Regards
    No problem taimikhan... I have never downplayed any of Pakistan's achievement anywhere in my posts.. My intention was good and some guys take it as negative only because of my flag colour.
    don't take it too serious.. not so secret just chit chat upon some topics.. which can't be done in here...
    AoA, In my humble opinion, the Indian members are getting away with murder, the topic 1965 war was perfectly legitimate, however if the Indian losers can't digest it, then let it be, i have sufficient material to send them into oblivion.
    COOL.. brother what you do?? can you give me your yahoo i have some conversations to make.
    Tempering of opinion is also obstruction of free-speech, I believe you'd agree. Assume that the last msg you sent me was a post in the forums, obviously it's part of a conversation about a forum post getting misplaced -- won't you call it censorship to quietly "merge" that post with a thread discussing "oversmartness" ? When a sack of sugar is found buried under a pile of hay, it's pro-commonsense to suspect foul-play. It's not "oversmartness" as you tried to put it very eloquently.

    My post was specifically about

    How does it qualify to be lumped with an Al-Quaeda thread? The bombings are common about both topics but what about the fact that accusation is coming from an ex-ISI???

    Or maybe you are pissed because the 'Report Abuse' msg I filed was a bit accusatory. I apologize if that's the case, but that was never intended to be personal, although it may sound like.

    Or maybe, just maybe-- you (actually the Mod who "merged"/hide it) sensed the point being raised very clearly. That ex-official (and probably many others like him) are throwing bs to our faces...the inside establishment of Pak couldn't believe that an ex-DG would fall for propaganda being engineered for public consumption.
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