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Swati Shukla
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  • Hey read that you are a doc yesterday i donted my blood but my arm is painimg from were the blood was taken
    Very good of you to have a vision and for me, I think that I have a heart specialist at my disposal.
    Job is so far great, ya will donate. so how is your MBBS course going, what speclization are you planning after MBBS, ortho, opthomology, radiology, etc.
    I don't think so, the friend i was talking about mostly stays on facebook yet scoring a good result.

    While we ECEians worked like dogs in college yet never got more than 79% :x
    So MBBS is basically mugging up everything in the book with little practical skills, try studying some of Btech (ECE) subjects. :D
    Back in school (class 12), i had to dissect a cockroach and i vomited in the practical room. So you can have an idea about by ability to dissect anything.
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