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Swati Shukla
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  • im gud yar. just too busy with my work. working in night shifts u see.
    how ure life ?
    And yes i am very busy learning skills of Surgery these days so may not be regular here due to the hectic schedule....

    Thank you......Please wish me luck :)))))))
    Hi swati,

    How are you :))
    I hope you did well in your exams...
    I just wanted to tell you that we become doctors in 2nd Proff....ye jo sabjects hain read them well they decide how good or bad a doc u are going to be....Good luck

    I didnt had much blood loss as i was taken in to care soon also it happend a month back
    Nothing much hsppend just 8 stitches on my head a broken right arm and some limbs had hair crack and cuts on my knee the accident happend as the abs system of ny accord failed which led the car to slip and hit a tree sidewise
    Ooh thnx for the kind reply am doing all fine just recovering from all of my injuries due my accident what about you how things are holding on your side
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