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  • Yeah I guess you're right ! I was supposed to revise 'Foreign Exchange Risk Management' today and I hadn't even opened the book till an hour ago ! :( Thankfully its just revision !

    Alright, mate, Take Care !
    Thanks !
    Mate, I do hope that the situation in Egypt improves for the better. I dunno I have a soft-spot for the Muslim Brotherhood because I do like Hasan al Banna a bit because I came across a quote attributed to him in which he said something positive about the Father of My Nation; but I know next to nothing about his ideology or that of the Muslim Brotherhood and if you say that they're hypocritical, I think you, as an Egyptian, are probably in a much better position then I to make that call.
    But anyhow I do hope that the situation improves in Egypt so that I can finally visit Abu Simbel and the Valley of the Kings ! In the meantime if you ever visit Pakistan, be sure to give me a message and I'd entertain you with some of the most tantalizing delicacies known to man ! :)
    Hey, thanks for adding me ! I'm going to be having my exams in around a weeks time and I think I'd sit down and think about 'my career' in the summer holidays ! Anyhow hows life in Egypt ? You know when I was younger I wanted to be an 'Egyptologist' because I loved the Pyramids and the whole Egyptian Mythology behind it ! :)
    اهلين باخواني المصريين. العرب ينسبوا كل يوم في هالمنتدى انشاالله نوقف سوى
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