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  • I moved your 'fastest growing illegal immigrants' post to the world affairs section. The Economy and Dev. section is now exclusively for Pakistan related news (see suggestions section for the thread announcing this), except for the sticky threads (China, India, Balngaldesh economic news).

    nice to a see a man, who sees that peace is the way forward :) appreciate your sentiments and hope there are more people with your mindset.. :) great going Boss
    I'm curious here: In my view the main reason you and I make the effort to post on various forums it to counter the slew of false propaganda from zionist-western "news" sources. But I'm concern in that I don't want to see you neglect your 'other' duties. That was the mistake I made before, I spent so much time, effort and my personal savings to battle against wrong-doings that it held me back. Do I regret it? ABSOLUTE NOT! I never regret when I help others even if it hurts me. But being wiser I realized that it is foolish to neglect your own self.

    There's a saying, if you can't swim don't jump in the water to save someone else -- it will result in 2 drowned persons. That is, we need to balance between personal investment in ourselves and applying our knowledge & skills to help others.
    Thanks for the nice message. I know a friend when I see one. China is a close friend of Pakistan, and I will always be loyal to my homeland Pakistan.
    Not delusional, but "difficult". Either way, we must remember peace and cooperation is better than war. It is not out of fear of India, but policy of openness. Comrade Communist, don't under-estimate my level of thinking. What they do is aggressive and annoying, but must keep composure. They are who they are. We are who we are. At least we need to accept some of each other's faults.
    Yeah. At last gradually you are getting closer to the fact. I am happy. The concept of any Sino-Indian friendship is just delusional.
    Yes, they like to protest and make lots of noise when they don't get their way. All I have said is well supported. I'm constantly tired how they are so confrontational even after all the genuinely friendly overtures I made. They piss off so many people, but refuse to acknowledge their mistakes.
    Please do not get provoked by the Indians. If you find their posts annoying, just avoid answering them. They will report you to the mods, if you do any mistake out of provocation.
    Brother, are you a Buddhist? How are you acquainted with the word 'Karma'? I am curious to know that.
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