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  • this is what i posted in a thread here--- and i saw that you were a members in those forums where chineses brothers felt angry and hurt-- and i wanted to clear the confusion!
    EagleHannan should have been responsible in the way he posted the sherdil pilot claiming that chinese pilots were flying half heartedly ---

    this is a way that fighter pilots talk to each other-- and they take it lightly and as a constructive challange

    --but, when this statement is translated literally via google translate , by our chinese friends, they feel hurt-----

    just take a look at different chinese forums and youll know what i mean..

    EagleHannan should definately clarify it on his boards

    MY chinese brothers can also pass this around , if they like

    Yeah i can and I will see if i can find more news on it. Interesting that it is a Hungarian one. Then again many air forces come and go for the Anatolian Eagle.
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