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Recent content by Ravsta12

  1. Ravsta12

    India to add 6,000 MW wind power by 2012

    hey thats cool so that means ur doing a sandwich course? wat degree is it exactly? and wat r u gonna do with suzlon in india? :bounce:
  2. Ravsta12

    India's Nuclear Agreement

    im still soo confused. is this n deal a good thing or a bad thing???
  3. Ravsta12

    Indian Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    hello ppl?? i asked a question plz read my last post if any1 will plz bother
  4. Ravsta12

    Indian Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    Hey guys i just read this article and i found the end bit interesting at the best but it just sounds scary to be honest. i wanna know wat u think about that. it says "In that light, China’s task of improving its private sector seems easier to accomplish than India’s task of arresting...
  5. Ravsta12

    Zero emisson vehicle from tata

    im so confused about the nuclear deal. who's right and who's wrong???? every1s like commies are bad but r we gonna become a bi_tch :hitwall: or something?
  6. Ravsta12

    ISI blamed for attack on Indian Embassy

    i was too tired to check whether som1 else did it. i searched it but didn't come up :hitwall: how do u know there wasnt' an investigation :cheesy:
  7. Ravsta12

    ISI blamed for attack on Indian Embassy

    India blames Pakistan for Kabul embassy attack MUMBAI (Reuters) - India's national security adviser has said Pakistan's ISI intelligence service was behind a suicide car-bomb attack on the Indian embassy in the Afghan capital of Kabul last week that killed 41 people. ADVERTISEMENT "We...
  8. Ravsta12

    Zero emisson vehicle from tata

    This thing will cost around 5000 dollars. Its expensive but u will recover the cost incredibly quickly cuz it costs practically nothing to run it. U need like 1 litre of oil to lubricate ur engine for a life time and it costs around 1.5 euros to fill up ur tank with the compressed air, which...
  9. Ravsta12

    Next Super Power!

    You are right Jliu. It is a fact that must be accepted but its not like its the end. China is rising very rapidly but there is a problem. Political Reform. Although in the past decade, the chinese govt. has been responsible for huge amounts of political reform, it is time they get their act...
  10. Ravsta12

    Indian Space Capabilities

    I agree with you AN but what do you do when someone picks up a gun? :sniper:You think about your self defense.:pdf: This example of China shooting down a missile and India developing an Earth Station is a typical example that clearly portrays the reasons why India is more favored by the...
  11. Ravsta12

    How DRDO failed India's military

    Oh cmon BATMAN :crazy: please refrain from making such immature comments. I know u've been reprimanded b4 but i had to add that u've got a narrow minded approach to this scenario, which i doubt u know a lot about. Indian scientists and engineers are world renown. IIT and IIM graduates are picked...
  12. Ravsta12

    Beauty of Mathematics!!!!!

    WOW!! I just loved the first 3 patterns that u showed us. ITS so cool and easy to see the pattern but the fact that it would take a genius to understand the phenomena is their head is a disconcerting one cuz it just comes to show how much we dont understand
  13. Ravsta12

    India to deploy Sukhoi-30 jets on Pakistan border

    So then in conclusion the pros outweigh the cons? :victory:
  14. Ravsta12

    India to deploy Sukhoi-30 jets on Pakistan border

    so what then it was just a stupid move?? :what:
  15. Ravsta12

    India to deploy Sukhoi-30 jets on Pakistan border

    So someone plz give a definite answer then. Putting the MKIs near the border sure means that we can get them in action as soon as required but its really true that it will reveal details of the working of the MKI and they can also be taken out on the ground. is it really an advantage or a...
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