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  • Slam, you're doing a great job with this website. Keep it up!
    Please add me a friend :)
    Salam I hope you feel better and recover soon Inshallah. I myself have had a runny nose and sneezing problems. So I wish you the best.
    Bhai walaikum salaam. How have you been? My pray always with you and your well being. You humble me with your request as my knowledge is limited nevertheless I will try my absolute best to support you on this or any other matter.
    Salaams Brother,

    Just read about your condition, very sorry to hear about it.
    May Allah bless you with a speedy recovery, health and long life.

    Do pray for Pakistan and all of us, since the prayers of the unwell carry much more weight.
    I hope you recover soon Inshallah...i hope they find a cure to H1N1 ....anyhow i think you have a point most of the topics are getting really dull and hence i remembered you....anywaz hopefully the quality on this forum shall improve....take care sir rest well and hopefully your health will improve soon...and the cure shall be found soon...
    hi sir how you doing? haven't seen you post anywhere...where are you posting these days... i haven't come across some of your typical analytical material...
    I am not sure.Webby upgraded forum software recently so maybe it was disabled by mistake.
    hey brother i saw ur message on a board and i heard u caught h1n1 so i wanted to tell u that ill also pray for ur full recovery
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