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  • Hi Ali..........Im searching and reading your posts from your statistics...
    Qsaark, Sir,

    Well, Solomon asked me to explain myself in a visitor message. I did answer him but then he wanted to "debate" my reasoning. I didn't answer him a second time. I don't need to debate my conclusions on Israel. I have studied the Middle East and US policy for many years and have read many books on all sides of the issues. I concluded that the Israelis were not really friends of the USA (or of anyone else really). We have given the Israelis so much in terms of blood, treasure and costly political "capital". We have received nothing in return. I wish the Palestinians had a more effective PR operation in the US media. I feel really sorry for their predicament. My opinions do get me in trouble. Just at Christmas we had some neighbors over for a brunch and I made the mistake of saying that I thought that the USA had no strategic interest in Israel, only a "moral" cause of sympathy for the beleaguered Jews. I said we (and they and the rest of the world) would have been far better off if in 1947-8 we had given the displaced Jews land in New Jersey as their homeland. An argument ensued with only me on my side of the "discussion". I don't mind. After all I am a "truth" seeker and I think my understanding of the US-Israel relationship is closer to the truth than most of my fellow Americans' un-informed acceptance of the propaganda they have been fed for 50 years.

    Happy New Year!
    Hi dear

    Post #52 on Gen Eyub thread is a beauty to read. Even then those people dont understand then what we can do???
    Well me personally, I am ANTI NRO!!!

    I'll check it out to make sure i didnt make any mistakes, thanks for the heads up bro
    Sir: My response to timikhan's post in gen Tariq khan thred:

    First of all let me correct you. I don’t live in Arlington. So get your facts straight. I could see hate in your eyes for me. That’s the way you have been behaving all along. I know what’s your problem and what’s bothering you and I can feel your pain. I know it’s because of me criticizing the free plots given to army officers and you and some of the other members did not like that. And that’s one of the reasons that I have been avoiding you in the past. You are not worth for my time. But now that you have started it again, I am compelled to respond back.

    Let me tell you some thing that you probably don’t know; a Pakistani is always a Pakistani regardless of his residence. As a matter of fact, Pakistanis living abroad have more concern and love for their homeland than you ‘bay hiss’ people living in Pakistan. And don’t forget the remittances sent by Pakistanis living abroad that are very crucial for your survival. You being the most corrupt people on earth have brought this homeland to destruction. You are under debt for $70 billions and still continue to beg for more. Most of you are Muslims by name because you happened to be born in a Muslim family. How many of you can claim to pray 5 times and read Quran daily. Go around and ask 10 people and you would know the answer. Next time during Adhan, get out and see how Indian music is being played loudly on radios without any regards for Adhan. And not to mention the moral degradation that has been taking place in Pakistan. Use of drugs and alcohol, celebrating Halloween and Valentines Day, sexual openness and the culture of Indian moves is the name of the game in Pakistan. Just remember ‘Allah ki laathi baa aawaz hai’.

    If Army is fighting these thugs, then I have the news for you. It’s the army high command who created this monster and then let it grow out of hands. I hope you know this? Someone very well said; ‘You reap what you sow’. Don’t blame on others and waste time in cooking conspiracy theories. Get realistic and do something for your country. Before blaming others and Pakistani living abroad, ask yourself what you have done for your country.

    I have every right to talk about Pakistan and will continue to do so. Let me tell you about my family and their services to Pakistan. My dad fought for Pakistan both in 1965 and 1971. He was in East Pakistan and became POW in 1971 surrender. One of my uncles was in Air force and also fought both 1965 and 1971 wars. One of my family members is currently serving in Air force and other three are in Army to mention the few. One of the three just took shaadat week before last in South Waziristan while fighting against the Taliban’s. He was only 34 and survived with a wife and 2 minor gals. Do you know who is responsible for his death at this young age? I hope you have the answer while babbling your mouth in this forum in the comfort of your cave in Peshawar.

    And lastly, don’t be rude to me. No need to show your ‘ookaat’. It’s you who are pathetic and not me. You are a mod of this forum and you need to set an example by showing a gentleman’s like character. Also, being a moderator, it’s not your job to take sides. You ought to be acting like a neutral.
    Dear qsaark
    Thanks for giving consideration to my posts. Honestly I did not mean to reject your opinion but actually I wanted to convince everybody with my ideology that Pakistan is meant for civil rule through stain free use of ballot. I hope, I wish and I pray a day will come in our lives when Pakistan will be ruled by the ruler who will come through true use of ballots. That’s the Pakistan Quaid meant for us.
    Belated Eid mobarak sir.Thank you.
    Sorry for the late wish,I was celebrating with my grand parents.No net connection there. :(
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