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Recent content by PureAryan

  1. PureAryan

    Kashmiris to Observe Indian ''Republic Day'' as Black Day

    I dont think you are correct, Hindu is a corruption of word Sindhu. It was first used by the ancient Persians to refer to the people living near the River Indus (Sindhu in Sanskrit). It then became a convenient shorthand for the rulers of India; it defined those who were not Muslims or...
  2. PureAryan

    Kashmiris to Observe Indian ''Republic Day'' as Black Day

    Everything is fake about this artificial entity, Bharat considers itself as a successor state to Asoka empire who never even existed. Asoka was created in 1830's to give hindus historical superiority and mytical entity called akhand bharat. Asoka is simply a figment of the imagination of...
  3. PureAryan

    Kashmiris to Observe Indian ''Republic Day'' as Black Day

    Fasih, Great work but if you call these people bhartis rather than indian will make more sense. India is derived from the phrase ‘People of Indus River' Since they are not people of indus so they are not indians but bhartis or ganghians
  4. PureAryan

    Pakistan Catches Indian Spy, Indian Embassy Involved In Espionage

    Pakistan Catches Indian Spy, Indian Embassy Involved In Espionage Pakistan Catches Indian Spy, Indian Embassy Involved In Espionage Interrogations with the arrested Indian spy have shed some light on covert Indian spy networks inside Pakistan. New information includes leads on Indian...
  5. PureAryan

    Inevitable Sino-US Mediation over Kashmir Conflict By Zaheerul Hassan

    Obviously you got your education in a mandir, Before islam came majority of pakistanis were buddhists and yes buddhist is not an extension of hinduism. No religion discussion is allowed here otherwise i would have embarrassed you more
  6. PureAryan

    Inevitable Sino-US Mediation over Kashmir Conflict By Zaheerul Hassan

    First of all balochistan is not a disputed territory and according to united nation it is an integral part of Pakistan while united nation calls kashmir a disputed territory. Hinduism in pakistan was never popular and it was never accepted by indus people, Hinduism was created by brits in...
  7. PureAryan

    Afghans Face Growing Violence In India

    Afghans Face Growing Violence In India, Minister’s Son Beaten Afghans Face Growing Violence In India, Minister’s Son Beaten An office an Afghan software company has been burned in Chennai. Fifty-nine Afghan students including two girls escape from an Indian university and...
  8. PureAryan

    Why gandhi supported kalifah movement and jinnah didnt?

    Well, it was a trick by Gandhi to deceive Muslims by supporting for khilafat movement, he wanted votes for non cooperation at Calcutta congress session of 1920 and to show Hindus and Muslims are one nation and can become united under one leader. His trick failed many Muslims migrated to...
  9. PureAryan

    Remembering innocent Pakistanis

    A Vigil For Samjota Express Victims Saturday, 22 Jan. 2011, Karachi Press Club, 06:00pm onwards PLEASE SHOW UP FOR A FEW MINUTES TO SHOW SUPPORT FOR YOUR COUNTRYMEN AND WOMEN The event is a remembrance of more than sixty Pakistani goodwill visitors to India ...who were blown up by...
  10. PureAryan

    Pakistan will NOT tolerate a US "Great Game" in the region

    Pakistan launches diplomatic offensive against ‘Great Game’ ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has initiated diplomatic offensive to ward off any probability of play of so-called ‘Great Game’ in Afghanistan in the wake of beginning of withdrawal of invading troops of the US and Nato...
  11. PureAryan

    Thousand years old cultural heritage - pride for Pakistan

    Thousand years old cultural heritage - pride for Pakistan ISLAMABAD, Jan 16 (APP): Pakistan has every reason to be proud of the thousands of years old cultural heritage, said the Ambassador of Pakistan to Japan, Noor Muhammad Jadmani. Excavation from Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa suggests that...
  12. PureAryan

    India’s role in Afghanistan

    India’s role in Afghanistan The Indian Foreign Minister, S M Krishna, concluded his two-day visit to Kabul on Sunday, January 9, 2011. During his stay in Kabul, he met his counterpart Rasool Zalmay and the President Hamid Karzai. The visits to Iran in December last and now the visit to Kabul...
  13. PureAryan

    Why is China called the longest continual civilization?

    Its obvious you people are hellbent on making our ancestors hindus while there is ample proof that when muslims arabs invaded sindh majority of population were budhist r These are excerpts from THE EVOLUTION OF HINDUISM by Dr M Philip It was published in 1900 when the bharati propaganda was...
  14. PureAryan

    Why is China called the longest continual civilization?

    I only expected nonsensical response and you fulfilled my expectation, so hinduism originated in tajikistan not in uttar pardesh so why do hindus take a holy bath in ganga river why dont they go to freezing river of amu darya, Adi Shankara is founder of Hinduism. Why did islamic invaders...
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