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  • Mr. Neutral Citizen,
    i don't think we always agree. I am certainly an American who loves his country and will defend it in most instances. On the other hand you are "neutral" and, I guess, intentionally, devoid of nationalist impulses? Anyway, I am on the side of rationality and as clear a view of reality as is possible for us human beings, with all of our cultural baggage.


    الله يرحمه و يسكنه فسيح جناته
    It is either you are pulling a psychological stunt on me or you still have much to learn about the world

    Either way good luck.
    Yeah I'm getting tired of the paraniod pakistani's as well thats why I troll them saying Allah sent America as his angel of death and sword of justice to purify the land of the pure hahah you cannot believe how many I pissed off.
    Yes It seems I should ask the mods to take a stronger stance on racism and hatred. do not get frustrated brother you have neutralcitizen at your side backing you, if you want I will ask the mods to take a stronger approach on the hatred and racism on Saudi members.
    I don't. But met with constant hate and racism and unfair treatment one tends to get frustrated.. Frustrated to the point of doing what I have done just now.
    I did. I try not to comment on things that are none of my concern because people seem to jump the hate wagon on me simply because of my flag.
    My opinion is that it should not have happened the army should not have beaten those protesters it was criminal and inhumane. No one has the right to abuse anyone and get away with it.
    you need to stop taking mentioning Pakistan into your posts, like the thread about Egyptian protester who had nothing to do with Pakistan, yet you bring in Pakistan
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