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  • """Whatever you believe last you accused me of being S-19,SCP, Hassan and a couple of iranians I'm not getting into it."""

    lol, she also accused me of handling multiple IDs before!!
    That's all my advice is - to concentrate on building vast array of missiles, capable of destroying Israel if Israel goes into any misadventure. And to invest in air defence SAMs like S 300s.

    Yes, they are. I think they just want to look stylish. "Hey you look I got Abrams and Eurofighters, whatcha got??". Overall my conclusion about these advanced toys will remain the same - they are good for a conflict with Iran (which would be another blow to Muslims after Iran iraq war). However they are very vulnerable to sanctions in case of a arab israeli conflict.
    Then I suppose acquiring KF-X would be a great alternative too. But its kinda late as it is expected to be introduced around 2020. Right now the threat level of Egypt is greater as next door Libya is now a NATO controlled territory with al-CIAda government. I also still think Egyptian economy is not in a shape to acquire an airforce with superiority over Israel be it Russian or SK airplanes. So, my overall recommendation would still be to concentrate on building a missile deterrent.
    Su 35 is sufficient to combat F 22s if the Russian doctrine is followed (backing up with air defenses). The problem is that Egyptian economy at the moment is not in a great shape to afford the purchases. So I suggested the missile deterrent as a cheaper alternative. About the tech i believe pakistan or iran can covertly help egypt
    Also Egypt has to ensure a big reserve of oil as an oil embargo is likely in case of any war. Any conflict with iran will block Hormuz.
    You see, most probably Israel would be receiving F 35 in the near future. So I don't think it would be appropriate for Egypt to depend alone on its air force even if it contains Su 35s. As I said, the proper doctrine would be that of deterrent - build a vast array of ballistic missiles, capable of striking Israel accurately. Also develop cruise missiles. This fact alone will keep Israel at bay as it will risk destruction of Tel Aviv if it ventures into any misadventures.

    In addition, to combat the air threat, an alternative cheaper response would be to obtain advanced air defense systems like S 400.
    Yea, Iran iraq war was the single biggest disaster for Muslims! I dont believe Arabs will go to war with Iran as Iran is in an alliance with Russia at the moment and war with Iran would absolutely choke world economy if strait of hormuz is blocked.

    Yes, that war destroyed both Iran and Iraq. Iran recovered, but Iraq got destroyed in the face of sanctions afterwards.

    Do you know that at that opportunity Israel bombed Iraqi nuke reactor? at that time Iraqi nuke program was the most advanced in ME but it got destroyed.
    Yea, I would say follow India in this respect.. they're the most skillful in balancing relations between US and Russia, with not getting close to either of them.
    Yeah, with the removal of Mubarak there is a potential for Egypt to opt for Russian and Chinese weapons, however I do have doubts if Egypt will chose this pathway as all other Arab countries like KSA/Jordan have chosen the US camp instead.

    As i said in forum, my main concern is Egyptian F 16s, Saudi typhoons, f 15s are very vulnerable to sanctions in case of war..
    Egypt can work on air force. However, I doubt Russia will get close to egypt after it abandoned USSR and opted for US as source of weapons.
    In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.
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