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  • Wow! You are back!! I thought you were gone forever. Welcome back. I missed you greatly.

    Sir i want some information about SSC (Short Service Comission)
    i have done my bsc now i want to join pak army but i think so long course is for intermediate students? i was searching for graduate course but one of the members of defence.pk told me that now SSC is going on instead of graduate course , i want to ask that when the selection procedure for SSC started in the year? and how much time i have to spend in PMA after selection? please give me some information about that! thanks!
    Hi Muse!

    I changed the title of your thread "Islamist Hero Bin dying" to its original title "Bin laden addresses Americans in tape" because your thread was being neglected even though it's an important new development and deserves the attention of our members. Maybe this way it'll get some spotlight. Hope you don't mind.

    In reference to you post in 'is alcohol still ......"

    Politeness is contagious. You seem to have not learned any manners or etiquettes even after living under the shadow of goora’s in UK. Yes, you are right; it's about time to put a leash on you and your secualr thoughts before you become a danger to civil society. No wonder why you are still being referred to as pakis over there? Enough!

    It is not the admins and mods being the same---there was something in the air---there was some electricity----some static charge around---that some of us felt it happening---.

    As far I am concerned---there was no problem on my part with any of the mods or admins---you all got to do a job----.

    How many statements of Jamaatis does to take to get that? These are the same who referred to Pakistan as Napakistan to Mohammad Ali Jinnah as Kafir e Azaam - a rope is too good for them.
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