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Recent content by Mr Iran Eye

  1. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    It seems a night drone with optics for the night
  2. Mr Iran Eye

    Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

    Impressive to see the absolute ignorance of the power of the Iranian army. Iran is in the club of the 5 greatest powers in the air defense system in the world and this is an absolute and total truth. Only the blindly ignorant can deny this indisputable fact. And keep in mind that Iran has...
  3. Mr Iran Eye

    Iran's historical sites and architecture..

    I've never talked about this on the forum but now I'm saying it. This circle is the trace of a ship landing from space. Iran is a special place for celestial humonoids and has some protection from them. This will make a lot of people here laugh but soon you will discover this truth. They will...
  4. Mr Iran Eye

    Yemen's Ansarullah (Houthis) vow more attacks on Israel

    There are people here who don't know their subject. It is completely false to say in 2023 that Iraq was one of the great powerful armies during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Iraq was already very weakened by 8 years of war against Iraq. The second Gulf War in 2003, the Iraqi army had been...
  5. Mr Iran Eye

    Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

    Continue to believe the USA is the strongest in the universe but Iran and their allies on the ground will cause a disaster for the egotistical Americans. Your great humiliation will come soon. The genius of the Iranians has nothing to do with Saddam. Iran is enormously powerful and the Bic...
  6. Mr Iran Eye

    Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

    Comparing the defense of Iraq in the 1990s and Iran in 2023 is a catastrophe of thought. Iran is very powerful and well prepared to fight against the big egos of the USA. Iran has a powerful surprise in store and it is very easy to predict Dreamers really think that the USA is the strongest...
  7. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Chill Thread

    People in panic here are dangerous. Talking about bacteriological weapons, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons is completely crazy. stooping to the same level as the USA is pathetic. And where is the God of Israel and Muslims to defend you? Nowhere ! The gods do not intervene directly and let the...
  8. Mr Iran Eye

    Opinionated: What will happen when second USA carrier will arrive to East Mediterranean?

    The USA did not fight terrorists, this is completely false, quite the contrary. This is a subject that I master very well. They helped the terrorists in Syria and smuggled weapons daily. The only terrorists they attacked were subgroups that didn't go their way and didn't control them. It is the...
  9. Mr Iran Eye

    Opinionated: What will happen when second USA carrier will arrive to East Mediterranean?

    The only conflicts the USA wins are in films against aliens more technologically advanced than them. :partay::partay::partay::usflag::usflag::usflag::dance3::dance3::dance3:
  10. Mr Iran Eye

    Will Iran enter to the war against Israel?

    I love reading bad analyzes about the Iranian army because you see that people don't know much about it. Iran has been preparing for a big war on several fronts for many years and they have many surprises in store for us in times of war.
  11. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    Iran is moving around a hundred ballistic missiles and other preparations
  12. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

    The technology of the Karrar drone is impressive, it gives a taste of the extraordinary advancement of drone technology. And this gives an overview of the advanced future of the Kowsar aircraft and its advantages because Iran is very far in nanotechnology and artificial intelligence
  13. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Air Defense Systems

    For 3, 4, 5 years, Iran has liked to make cocktail announcements of several copies such as missiles, drones, missiles and more. I firmly believe that this will be the case with kowsar. It's more muscular and more impressive ad effects
  14. Mr Iran Eye

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    I'll ask everyone about the famous myth of old, tired airframes. Do you have reports, photos, videos of planes exploding in mid-flight or crashing due to airframes tearing in mid-flight? Old modernized fighter planes will have a good role to play in war and will not be retired. Only the...
  15. Mr Iran Eye

    Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

    Thank you, that's kind. I was the victim of a moderator who is not a moderator himself who banned me without any real warning. I would like the opinion of another moderator who is more moderate and more patient. I have been participating in this forum for several years and I have never seen...
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