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Recent content by Materialistic

  1. Materialistic

    Pakistan team, thanks for making it this far!

    There were some faults in our fielding & power play and some was the effect of the pitch but whatever it was Our Team played well. One loss shouldn't over shadow all of our victories. We should learn to behave when we loose and not to mention this was the team without three prominent players and...
  2. Materialistic

    PAF Air Refueling Capability

    It is slightly beige.. damn it looks awsome !!! im lovin it. sounds more like a curse.. just kiddin no offence :D
  3. Materialistic


    Whenever I'm here there's nobody else on the thread. Seems like you guys don't stand a chance against me :cool:
  4. Materialistic

    'I won't mind returning with 'military uniform on' to make Pakistan sovereign': Altaf

    What his every next statement is a contradiction of his previous one!! what runs in his mind !! and what is MQM's so called political agenda!
  5. Materialistic


    ahhh... no luck!!! :(
  6. Materialistic


    hello to everyone !!!!! ---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ---------- seeking asylum from my kingdom of boredom.. i hope ill find some!!:D
  7. Materialistic

    Arabs growingly tired of their corrupt regimes!

    Not sure about Pakistan, but this makes them look way better than Pakistanis.. Atleast they have guts to stand against thier rulers & harm their ownselves as a protest, whereas Us (Pakistanis) on the other hand are fond of burnning vehicles, shops & houses of our neighbours & other people as a...
  8. Materialistic

    Pakistan's GDP next 10-20 years?

    We are already doing better and for coming years to 2014 its predict to reach 5%+. 2% is no growth.. thats would rather be a bad news and given a little improvement in political & terrorism scene, we would easily be doing 6.5+ like we did in first of half of this decade! And the ground...
  9. Materialistic

    Invading Pakistan? The Worst Idea Yet

    ^^^ graveyard is something small, invaders will be killed on Industrial Scale if anyone would dare to step in. There is always a limit to push something. Who knows we might find factories in every big city for the purpose!!
  10. Materialistic

    Online flirting: it's all about lip service

    I tried this complement a few months ago.. and it really works!
  11. Materialistic

    China setup its own peace prize

    Its Nothing new, its just that east has also started enjoying private parties like Nobel party awards!
  12. Materialistic

    Sarkozy condemns Pakistan terror ‘safe havens’

    nothing big, we all know it is like a formality. (compliments/condemnation on the latest happenings in host country)
  13. Materialistic

    Rawalpindi car race accident

    Buddy, no one in this world is a perfect driver and there is no system to certify a driver as a racer unless it is f1, nascar or rally. @topic A driver cannot stop a mishap and it was wrong at organizers part, they should have given a thought about the safety of visitors. Amazing!! race...
  14. Materialistic

    Irrfan Khan next Spiderman villain

    He deserves to be a bigger star than he is right now. He is really a good actor.
  15. Materialistic

    Kuwait wins Gulf cup !!

    Once i heard, after a match that Bahrain won against Saudia which was played in Saudia. Saudi's started beating Bahraini fans celebrating their win. So no problem if Saudia wins we'll enjoy beating Saudi fans, since the cup will be held in Doha:lol:
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