You are a persistent one.
Currently, I am 220 pounds and overweight by 15 pounds. A few hours ago, I ran on the treadmill for 15 minutes. I am determined to revert to my former physical form. I used to weigh 205 pounds and I benched a maximum of 315 pounds, incline benched sets of 245 pounds with 8 repetitions, and decline benched sets of 295 pounds with 11 repetitions.
I am meandering. It was purely accidental that I became an armchair general. At my core, I am a gym aficionado and I date hot women. I think I'm almost done arguing with the anti-China crowd and I will return to my old lifestyle.
Please accept my apology. I am unlikely to be a moderator on any forum. Going on dates with hot young women who are 5 feet nine inches or taller is more exciting than new military hardware. The time that I have spent on the defense forums was an aberration.
Best regards,