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Recent content by leapx

  1. L

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    After discussion with dudes on CD, I were told it is a old photo and this design was removed. Ouch....
  2. L

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    I guess the meshed window is inlet of cooling air to reduce Infrared signature of exhaust? Su-57 has similar design but no meshed window. Such details make me believe J-20 is better at stealth than Su-57.
  3. L

    US Arm Twists India to Buy Patriot-3 Systems And Not Russians S-400

    I don‘t think PAC-3 is better. the only advantage PAC-3 over S400 is weight and dimension.
  4. L

    China will build up to 42 Units Type 055 large destroyer

    I am Chinese do not mean I agree with everything our government do, definitely not mean I agree with Chinese member here on everything. Actually I get more worried about some Chinese member and their opinion. Seriously, the world already has a self-centered country with massive ego, do not act...
  5. L

    China will build up to 42 Units Type 055 large destroyer

    I would like to know how you get the conclusion I am not Chinese?
  6. L

    China will build up to 42 Units Type 055 large destroyer

    I do not think we will build that many. China has a limited military ambition.
  7. L

    US makes it very clear - Will not share sensitive defence tech with India if S-400 is signed

    With or without S400 deal, USA will not share any sensitive technology with India. USA even refuse share radar technology with South Korea to help their KFX. Basically, sell some advanced weapon is fine;share sensitive technology,no way.
  8. L

    Sukhoi Su-30 MKI v/s. Chengu J-20

    Agreed. Sometimes I want to answer“Thank god India has Brahmos, So the earth can sleep quietly (in case of alien invasion)”. But seriously, Brahmos is a powerful weapon. But not that powerful. 1 First, It flies at very high altitude until the last period. It can be detected easily.Shut down a 3...
  9. L

    Sukhoi Su-30 MKI v/s. Chengu J-20

    Anyone with a brain will not believe the bullshit that Su-30MKI detected and tracked J-20. 1 there is no point for J-20 to excise near border 2 J-20 always carry a Luneberg lens in any picture. F-22 never perform any BVR with allies Why? To keep their radar signature a secret.So why We risked...
  10. L

    China’s Submarine Fleet, Evolution & news

    your answer may be found on page 42
  11. L

    India’s HAL Offers To Build 40 Additional Sukhoi Su-30MKI Fighters

    Those are fighters,not shoes and IAF is not a woman. personally I will be delighted if it happens.
  12. L

    India’s HAL Offers To Build 40 Additional Sukhoi Su-30MKI Fighters

    you mean corruption? It is government‘s duty to get IAF under control. Even USA air force can not alway get what they want. Of course Gripen will bring more logistical problem, Why? because It is a new plane for IAF.
  13. L

    Tejas Mark 1A faces delay as air force adds on demands

    that is the right word “cycle”. No order-no money for research/development-can not catch up with technical advance-lost in competition-no order it goes on and on
  14. L

    India’s HAL Offers To Build 40 Additional Sukhoi Su-30MKI Fighters

    Gripen is the worst choice. It will bring more logistical problem and kill LCA totally
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